World Peace, Luke 2:14

 World Peace Lk 2:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many people are praying for world peace. Many others are looking for world peace. There are 3 things missing for world peace. During this season, people often quote or misquote, as the case may be, the verse found in Lk. 2:14, which says,...

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Biblical Predestination, Rom 8:29

Biblical Predestination Rom 8:29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have to check the context of every verse dealing with predestination to see what the verse is referring to.  Those who believe that we are predestined to salvation believe that you must be born again BEFORE you can believe on the Lord...

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Romans 9 and Calvinism

Romans 9 and Calvinism CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is a refutation of Calvinism as supposedly found in Romans 9.  Rom 9:11 mentions the purpose of God according to election.  Unconditional election is one of the five points of Calvinism.  Calvinism is a doctrine that teaches, among other things, that...

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Restoring Your Marriage II, Prov 5:18

Restoring Your Marriage II  Prov. 5:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When your marriage is in trouble you must work on restoring your marriage.  This is the second in a series on restoring your marriage.  In the prior broadcast, we talked about the need to be honest about your contribution to what...

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Restoring Your Marriage I, Mal 2:16

Restoring Your Marriage I Mal 2:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on restoring your marriage, if you are, or a friend or relative is, having difficulty keeping your marriage or their marriage together.  In our day, we are seeing more and more marriages messed up by infidelity, irresponsibility, incompatibility,...

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What God Is Doing

When men let you down, you must find out and follow what God is doing.  If you don’t follow what God is doing, you’re likely to make a big mistake in your judgment of the situation and your reaction to it.  For example: Men will sin.  You won’t ever find...

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The Wrath and Love of God, Is 63:6-7

One of the apparent contradictions in God’s nature that is hard to reconcile is the wrath and love of God.  In Is 63:6 we see God’s anger and his fury.  And in the very next verse, v.7, we see his lovingkindness, goodness, and mercy.  So, what can we do to...

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Israel’s Land Grant, Gen 13:15

Israel’s land grant is clearly recorded in the Bible.  We’re going to study Israel’s land grant today. This will help us understand what belongs to Israel and when they can anticipate inhabiting their land. Israel’s original land grant is the land of Canaan.  Gen 13:15, for all the land which...

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Praying for the Sick, 2 Kings 13:14

Praying for the Sick 2 Kings 13:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When praying for the sick, keep in mind that God doesn’t always heal sick folks.  In 2 Ki 13:14, when Elisha was sick, he died.  And unlike Hezekiah, he didn’t weep sore over this outcome, trying to persuade God to...

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Good Friends, Prov 18:24

Good Friends Prov. 18:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Good friends are essential to a good Christian life.  Conversely, bad friends can ruin your Christian life.  Be diligent to make good friends of God’s people.  The good friends you want are: Godly – Job 42:10, despite the rough treatment by Job’s friends...

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