Snares, 2 Tim 2:26

Snares 2 Tim 2:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are a number of snares in the Bible of which you must be aware.  You can get hung in one of these and never get out.  Here are some snares for which to watch out: The snare of the devil – 1...

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Therefore Will We Also Serve The Lord, Jos 24:14-18

Before the end of Joshua’s ministry, in Jos 24:14-18, he challenged the people of Israel to choose whom they would serve.  He said, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  He made a conscious choice to serve the Lord.  The people were adamant in their reply,...

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Our Assurance of Salvation, 1 Jn 5:13

Our Assurance of Salvation 1 Jn. 5:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our assurance of salvation is based upon the Bible; it is not based upon a feeling we have or a doctrine of man.  Getting saved is easy. It is simply a matter of believing what Jesus Christ said and...

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Does the Church Go Through the Tribulation? Col 2:16-17

Does the Church Go Through the Tribulation Col. 2:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There seems to be a lot of confusion about this question today, “Does the Church go through the Tribulation?”  The answer is, “No.”  The confusion stems from the failure to check all the doctrines that are affected if...

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Cornelius’ Salvation, Acts 10

Cornelius’ Salvation Acts 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon examines Cornelius salvation. Cornelius was like many religious men.  He was good but he wasn’t saved.  He had to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.  Perhaps, studying Cornelius salvation will help you realize your own need of Jesus...

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Let’s Talk About It, Ps 37:30

Let’s Talk About It Ps. 37:30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you are dealing with anything in your life, you must be able to talk about it.  Talking to simply relieve pressure in your life is minimally beneficial and hardly constructive.  You don’t solve problems like that.  Solomon said, “the talk...

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A True Witness and Faithful Messenger

Prov 14:25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies. Prov 25:13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters. We are to be a true witness to souls without Christ and we are...

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Full Joy, Jn 16:23-24

Full Joy Jn. 16: 23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO At times, we experience full joy in our salvation.  This lesson will discuss those times so that you can have full joy.  On a recent Wednesday night, I preached on abundant joy which we get by being saved, being filled with the...

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Why Great Nations Fall, Deut 8:11-17

Why Great Nations Fall Deut. 8:11-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon examines why great nations fall.  Apparently, there are a number of preachers in America that just can’t wait till America gets what’s coming to her in the way of God’s judgment. We are not among those preachers.  From studying...

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The Words of Jesus, Jn 8:17

The Words of Jesus Jn.8:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What are we to do with the words of Jesus in the gospel of John?  We are to: Hear his words – Jn 8:47 – not everyone who hears the words of Jesus truly “hears” the words.  Jesus said, “If any man...

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