Rahab’s Testimony, Jos 2:1-24

Rahab’s testimony is remarkable, Jos 2:1-24.  Notice: Rahab’s Testimony of Faith – Heb 11:31.  In Jos 2:9-11 she believed in the Lord.  Then in v.12-13 she believed she could be saved and that she needed to be saved.  In v.14 she believed the words of the spies.  And in v.17-21 she...

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The King’s Commandment, Ecc 8:1-5

In Ecc 8:1, Solomon asked, “Who is as the wise man”?  A wise man fears the Lord.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  So, if he is “as” the wise man, he will fear the Lord.  See Prov 24:21.  And the wise man will keep the...

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Private Interpretation, 2 Pet 1:20

Private Interpretation 2 Pet.1:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Private interpretation is the method of interpreting scripture to make it say what you want it to say.  Private interpretation derives from four primary sources: The first is unbelief.  You don’t believe what you’re reading so you make the scripture say what you...

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Bible Understanding, 1 Jn 2:27

Bible Understanding 1 Jn. 2:27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bible understanding is the result of praying, reading, believing, doing, studying, trusting, and simplifying.  Trust the Holy Spirit to teach you. Recently we have been asked this same question by two different people.  They want to know how to understand what...

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Sincerity and Truth, Jos 24:14

Joshua commanded Israel to “fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth”, Jos 24:14.  Not just in sincerity.  Not just in truth.  But in the combination of sincerity and truth. Sincerity is honesty of mind; freedom from hypocrisy.  Sincere means:  without deceit, pretense [a false profession]; free...

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People You Will Meet in Hell, Lk 16:23

People You Will Meet in Hell Lk 16:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The fact that you are listening to this radio broadcast today is really not an accident.  If you are saved, this sermon is a stark reminder to you that people who refuse to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ...

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Quickened From Spiritual Death, Eph 2:1-3

Eph 2:1-3 is about being quickened from spiritual death. Before people are saved, they are dead in trespasses and sins.  According to Rom 5:12, this death came as a result of Adam’s transgression against Gen 2:17.  When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and...

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Control Your Emotions, Matt 14:25-31

In Matt 14:25-31, when the disciples were in a ship in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves, Matt 14:24, Jesus went to them walking on the sea.  When they saw him, they were troubled and they cried out for fear.  Jesus responded, “Be of good cheer; it is...

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Conformed to the Image of His Son, Rom 8:29

Conformed to the Image of His Son Rom 8:29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Once you are saved by God, you are predestinated to be conformed to the image of his Son.  From the time that you get saved until the time that you die or the Lord comes to take us...

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The Toll of Sin, Ps 38

Despite the fact that Jesus paid for our sins on Calvary, sin takes a toll on you.  And we need to consider the toll of sin when we are debating whether or not to commit sin.  Many people never consider this because we live in an age of defiled and...

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