The Lord Creates Evil, Is 45:7

The Lord Creates Evil Is 45:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It may be surprising to you that the Lord creates evil.  That horrible deed is usually attributed exclusively to the devil.  Here are some examples of how and why the Lord creates evil: The evil oppression by Pharaoh – Rom 9:17...

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Abstain from Fornication, 1 Thes 4:3-5

Abstain from Fornication 1 Thes 4:3-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People often inquire about the will of God for their lives.  Well, in several texts in the Bible you can find the will of God, clearly and unmistakably.  Such is the case with our text today.  The will of God in...

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Bishops and Deacons

In Eph 4:11-12, Jesus Christ gave four groups of men to the church for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.  These men were apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.  This study will show the transition from the...

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Walk in the Spirit

In Gal 5:16 Paul told us to walk in the Spirit.  Let’s see what this entails. When you are saved, the Spirit is in you This is a fairly simple lesson when you think about it.  When you were saved, you went through a spiritual circumcision that separated your flesh...

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Fear Before God, Ecc 8:12-13

This lesson contrasts those who fear before God, Ecc 8:12, with those who don’t fear before God, Ecc 8:13.  The way that ‘before’ is used in these verses means “under the jurisdiction of”. We are all under God’s jurisdiction.  That is, we are all subject to God’s judgment.  God is...

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Hypocrisy Exposed, Matt 23:25-28

Hypocrisy Exposed Matt 23:25-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Hypocrisy is an attempt by an individual or a group of individuals to portray himself or themselves as something that he or they are not.  Hypocrisy is effective because men judge based on the outward appearance and not on the heart.  So, if...

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A Mutually Good Marriage, Eph 5:22-25

A Mutually Good Marriage Eph.5:22-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A mutually good marriage places duties and responsibilities on husbands and wives.  We must each do our part.  And you should do your part regardless whether your spouse does his or hers.  We’ll address the husbands first.  Husbands provide for their wives:...

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The Fellowship of Prayer

In prayer, we shouldn’t just make our requests known to God, but we should enjoy the privilege of having fellowship with God.  Fellowship is companionship and friendly association.  It is a mutual sharing of experience, activity, and interest.  So, in prayer we should be in fellowship with the Lord, 1...

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A Practically Good Marriage, 1 Cor 7:3-5

A Practically Good Marriage 1 Cor. 7:3-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the second broadcast in our series on a good marriage.  This message is on a practically good marriage.  That is there are practical things that you can do in your marriage to make it good and keep...

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The Household of God, Eph 2:11-22

According to Eph 2:11-22, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, he made a way for Jews and Gentiles to become fellow citizens in the household of God. How could Christ make Jews and Gentiles fellow citizens in the household of God?   We become fellow citizens in the household...

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