People Who Can Deceive You, Gal 6:7

We are preaching a two-part sermon on deception.  In the prior broadcast we studied things that deceive you.  Today, we are going to discuss people who can deceive you.  In Matt 24:4, Jesus said, “Take heed that no man deceive you.”  Notice the people who can deceive you: You can...

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Things That Deceive You, Rom 7:11

This is a two-part sermon on things that deceive you and people that deceive you.  Today we are going to study four things that deceive you.   Sin deceives you – Rom 7:11, Heb 3:13 – sin is a vicious deceiver.  Sin is deadly, Rom 6:23.  But sin doesn’t kill...

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Thank God For Your Wife, Prov 19:14

Thank God For Our Wives Prov. 19:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you have a prudent wife you ought to thank God for your wife because she came from the Lord according to Prov 19:14. Now, your wife may not have been a perfect fit for you when you first...

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Fools In The House of God, Ecc 5:1-7

Solomon built the house of the Lord. So he was very aware of some principle things that men should consider when coming to the house of the Lord.  He warned against being fools in the house of God. Keep thy foot.  When Solomon finished the house, the glory of the...

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The Cleansing Blood, 1 Jn 1:7-9

1 Jn 1:7 says that “the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”  That is a tremendous promise.  Today we are going to discuss a few of the consequences of sin in our lives.  And then we’re going to see how the blood of Jesus Christ...

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#2 Daniel Haveman – Help For Youthful Ministers

Young men in the ministry are often challenged by ambition.  Contentment is the antidote to ambition, 1 Tim 6:6.  A young pastor should be: Content with his calling, 1 Tim 1:12-15. Timothy’s calling was very different than Paul’s. Content with his capabilities, 1 Tim 4:12-16. Timothy was following in Apollos...

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Israel Served False Gods, Jud 10:6-9

Israel Served False Gods Jud 10:6-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jud 10:6-9 Israel served Baalim and the gods of the nations around them.  Interestingly, they were attacked by the same countries whose gods they served.  There are grave national implications to us in the United States concerning this same problem....

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