The Slothful Man, Prov 26:13-15

The reason that we may not be getting the thing done that the Lord wants us to do is that we might be slothful.  You’ve seen a sloth before.  It moves so slowly that it appears, most of the time, to not be moving.  Solomon describes the slothful man in...

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The Gift of God, Jn 4:5-10

Some people haven’t received everlasting life as a gift of God from this well of water because: They don’t know the gift of God.  Jn 4:10 “If thou KNEWEST the gift of God”.  They don’t know what the gift is. It’s eternal life, v.14.  It is the answer to sin...

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Which Is Better, Ecc 7:1-6

In this lesson from Ecc 7:1-6, Solomon compares several things and asks, Which is better? Which is Better, a good name or precious ointment? A good name is better than precious ointment. A good name is longer lasting than the fragrance of the ointment.  The fragrance dissipates over time.  A...

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What To Do With The Word, Ps 119:9-16

What to Do With the Word Ps.119:9-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 119 we find 22 sections identified by the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.  Each section has 8 verses.  All but three of the 176 verses in this Psalm contain a reference to the words of God.  The...

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Hasty, Prov 21:5

Hasty Prov.21:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In general, a person who is hasty is a person who does things too quickly and with too little thought.  He can be rash [incautious], impetuous [rushing] or impulsive [acting on impulse].  Now, haste is not always a bad thing.  When you have clear direction...

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Good Kids, Eph 6:1-3

Good Kids Eph. 6:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Good kids are children who do what the Bible says.  We know that the proportion of children who believe and obey the Bible today is much smaller than the proportion of kids who don’t.  So it is becoming less and less likely,...

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Good Dads, Gen 18:19

Good Dads Gen. 18:19  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior broadcast we talked about good moms.  Today we’ll discuss the characteristics of good dads.  The objective of being a good dad is to rear godly children.  There’s no guarantee that if you are a good dad all your children...

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Good Moms, Prov 31:1

Good Moms Prov. 31:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible has much to say about good moms.  If you will follow what the Bible says, you are not guaranteed that all of your children will turn out just right.  But you have the best opportunity of rearing good children if you...

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Noah’s Walk, Work and Word, Gen 6:9

Noah’s Walk, Work and Word Gen. 6:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Noah walked with God, worked for God, and spoke the word of God.  Likewise, we are to walk with the Lord, work for the Lord, and speak the word of the Lord in this world.  That is what the...

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Dissimulation, Jos 7:11

Dissimulation Jos.7:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Dissimulation is hypocrisy.  It comes from simulation.  When you are in a flight simulator it looks and feels like you’re in a real jet but you aren’t.  It’s fake.  Likewise, when you live your life in dissimulation you are pretending to be something you...

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