Lent, Is 58:5

The lesson today is on the observance of Lent.  Lent originated in the 4th century.  Jesus and the apostles, the foundation upon which our household of God is built, never observed Lent and did not set it up. Lent was traditionally observed with prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, atonement, and self-denial...

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A Matter of Perception, Job 9:11

A Matter of Perception Job 9:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You say that perception is reality, but it isn’t if reality is not your perception. Most of the time, how you view a thing is just a matter of perception.  Today, we examine from the Bible those things that diminish...

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You Die to Live, Jn 12:24-25

1 Cor 15:36 says, “that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die”.  To be quickened is to be made alive.  Seeds that are sown die to live.  This is a principle in the earth.  Jesus said, “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it...

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Witty Inventions, Prov 8:12

According to Prov 8:12, wisdom finds out knowledge of witty inventions.  A witty invention, by definition, is an ingeniously and cunningly devised fictitious idea, statement or device.  It is skillfully contrived for an evil purpose.  These inventions are conceived in the imaginations of men, which are inherently evil [Gen 8:21]....

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Given to Change, Prov 24:21

Given to Change Prov 24:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The nature of man is to change things.  The nature of God is to stay the same.  Thus the Lord warns us not to meddle with them that are given to change. In Mal 3:6 the Lord says, “I am the...

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Honey Out of the Rock, Ps 81:16

Honey Out of the Rock Ps. 81:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The rock represents a hard thing in your life and the honey represents something good that comes out of that hard thing.  Calvary was Jesus’ rock and the honey is our salvation.  Notice these truths: The rock is an unyielding...

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Steeped In Idolatry, Jer 44:15-19

We have recently visited a country in Africa steeped in idolatry.  In this sermon from Jer 44:15-19, we will see several things about people steeped in idolatry.  This should help us to avoid idolatry in our own worship of God.  And this should help us understand the difficulty of leading...

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Jesus Rose From the Dead, 1 Cor 15:12-22

Easter Sunday is the day people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  So, today we are going to discuss the resurrection.  Because Jesus rose from the dead: You can trust Jesus to save you.   Save us from our sins.  Save us from hell. You can live his life in you. ...

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Eyewitness Accounts of the Resurrection

Can we be sure that Jesus rose from the dead?  Yes!! There are many infallible proofs of his resurrection!  We are going to study the eyewitness accounts of his resurrection. (Acts 1:3) To whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty...

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The Doctrine of the Resurrection

15-11-24 1 Cor 15 The Doctrine of the Resurrection CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The doctrine of the resurrection is not a doctrine that began with Jesus Christ but it is definitely a doctrine that was fulfilled in Jesus. The resurrection is basically the doctrine that reverses the physical effects of the...

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