Authority and Power, Lk 4:33-44

While Jesus was in Capernaum, Lk 4:31, Jesus taught, preached, cast out devils, healed diseases, and prayed.  The people marveled at his authority and power, Lk 4:36. They said, “What a word is this! For with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out”.

Jesus taught with authority and power.  His word was with power, Lk 4:32.  He taught them as one that had authority, Mk 1:22.  He had authority and power in his words because they are the words of God, Jn 7:14-16.

Jesus cast out devils with authority and power.  When Jesus was in the synagogue, Lk 4:33, there was man that had a spirit of an unclean devil.  Notice that the devil is unclean, Lk 4:33.  He is a spirit, Lk 4:33.  He can be comprised of multiple spirits, Lk 4:36.  The devil can talk through a man’s mouth, Lk 4:34.  He can control a man physically, Lk 4:35.  He knows Jesus and he knows that Jesus can and will destroy him, Lk 4:34.  See these characteristics of the devil in Mk 5:1-15.

Jesus rebuked the devil, Lk 4:35, which is the right way to handle him, Zech 3:1-2; Jude 9.  Then he commanded the devil to come out of the man.  And after he had thrown him, he came out.  A preacher reported that it’s common in India for people to keel over momentarily when the devil comes out of them.  Apparently, there are many possessed with the devil there.

Jesus never failed to cast the devil out one time.  Even in the difficult case in Matt 17:18-21, the devil came out.  Of course, this news of him spread rapidly throughout the country, Lk 4:37.

Jesus healed diseases with authority and power.  When Jesus left the synagogue, he entered Simon Peter’s house, Lk 4:38-39.  His mother-in-law was taken with a great fever.  Immediately after the Lord rebuked the fever, it left her and she was able to minister to them.  True divine healing is instantaneous.

At dusk, people brought all the sick folks to Jesus, Lk 4:40.  No matter their diseases, he laid hands on everyone of them, and healed them.  True divine healing works every single time.  Jesus had no “misfires”, as one preacher used to say.  Likewise, he cast out many devils.  The town was filled with sick and devil possessed people.

In the morning, a great while before day, Jesus went to a solitary place to pray, Mk 1:35.  When he was out there, Lk 4:42, the people asked him to stay.  But he refused, saying that he had to preach the kingdom of God to other cities also, Lk 4:43.  That’s what he was sent to do.  So, he preached in the synagogues throughout Galilee, Lk 4:44.

Conclusion: when you teach and preach the words of God in truth, they are powerful, Heb 4:12.  Like Jesus, you speak with authority when you believe and quote these words.

During Jesus’s earthly ministry, devil possession and disease were widespread.  During the Tribulation, delusion, deception, and disease are certainly widespread and worldwide.  It seems that the closer we are to the rapture, the more of these we are beginning to see.

Don’t fall for charlatan faith healers.  They don’t heal everyone, because they do not have the gift of healing.  Like Jesus, the disciples healed every disease and cast the unclean spirits out of everyone, Acts 5:16.  They had no misfires.

If ever you speak to the devil, do just what Jesus and Michael have done.  Only say, “the Lord rebuke thee”.

And even when you have had a long day, make sure to get up early and pray like Jesus did.

To study the previous lesson, see Jesus’ Early Ministry. To study the next lesson, see Teaching Simon Peter.