Being the Mother of Jesus

Being the Mother of Jesus

Luke 2:1-52

In this lesson we are going to focus on many of the things that Mary was told about Jesus before he was born. In looking at these things we can see how that Mary and Joseph had one of the most challenging job, raising God’s son. Now we know that God was going to be involved from the beginning but we can take a lesson from these things as well and learn from the few things said regarding the childhood of Jesus Christ.

Things said to Mary regarding Jesus Christ: 

1)  He would be Son of the Highest, Great, and King of Israel (Luke 1:32)

2)  He would be the Son of God (Luke 1:35)

3)  He would be the savior of the world (Luke 2:11)

4)  He would be the Light of the Gentiles and the Glory of Israel (Luke 2:28-33)

5)  He would be set for the rise and fall of many in Israel, he would be a sign that was spoken against, Mary would see his death (Luke 2:34-35)

6)  He must be about his father’s business (Luke 2:41-52)

(Note that Mary paid close attention to these things Luke 2:19 ; Luke 2:33 ; Luke 2:51)

From a human standpoint I would imagine that Mary and Joseph would have in no way felt qualified or even capable of raising such a child. As parents you may feel exactly the same. While you are not raising the literal Son of God, you are still raising a child that God would love to be able to use for his glory one day and that is an awesome responsibility.

What can we learn from Mary and Joseph regarding raising our own children?

I think the key thing we see with Mary and Joseph is that they gave Jesus a good foundation for which he could build on. That is what we must do. In the end children will eventually have to make their own choices and we have no real idea exactly what God wants them to do when they are young, but we can give them a good foundation.

1)  Mary and Joseph followed God’s Law (Luke 2:21-24)

  • One of the greatest examples you can give your children is that of following God’s Law. Do you know the Law of God? As parents we should do everything in our power to know what the word of says and what God wants us to do regarding his word. How can we be the example if we do not know the word of God.

2)  Mary and Joseph exposed Jesus to the things of God (Luke 2:40)

  • Once we know the word of God we should expose our children to God’s word and everything we can regarding the church and his work.