Believe and Receive Him, Jn 1:6-13

Believe and Recieve Him John 1:6-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

To become a son of God you have to believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ. While many people believe in Jesus Christ, many have failed to receive Him as their personal Savior. There is a difference between believing in Jesus Christ and receiving Him and trusting Him fully for your salvation. So many people that claim the name of Jesus Christ are actually trusting in something else. Usually they trust in something that is tied to their religion or some type of religious training that they have received. The problem with this is that practicing a creed or religion does not make you a son of God. To become a son of God you need to believe and receive Jesus Christ.

Reasons why you need to believe and receive Jesus Christ

Because of John the Baptist’s witness – (John 1:6-7, 5:31-35) John the Baptist foretold of the coming of Jesus Christ and so because John’s prophesy was fulfilled we know then that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus Christ is the only man that ever appeared on Earth that could take away the sin of the world and John bore witness to that (John 1:29).

Because of Jesus’ Light – (John 1:9, 8:12) There is a connection between the word of God and light because by the word of God you can see things that are eternal and invisible that you could not see without the word of God (John 1:1, Psalm 119:105, 119:130, John 8:43)

Because of the world’s rejection – (John 1:10) The world always runs contrary to God. For example the Sun runs one direction and the Earth rotates in the other. The Sun is a type of the Lord Jesus Christ (Mal. 4:2, Psalm 19:4-6). The world is always opposed to God and God is always opposed to the world. When the world rejected Jesus Christ it gave credibility to the fact that Jesus was who He said He was. If the world had applauded Him and given Him praise then you would have known that he was an imposter (James 4:4, 1Jn 2:15, Matt. 16:23). The person who brings truth and light into the world is going to be rejected (Gal. 4:16).

Because of the Jews rejection – (John 1:11) The Jews rejection of Jesus Christ is what opened the door for the Gentiles to salvation (Rom. 11:11, 11:28, John 5:43).

Because of God’s promise – (John 1:12) It’s not enough to just believe on Jesus Christ; we must receive Him as well. God has promised that if we believe and receive Jesus Christ then we shall have eternal life (1Jn 5:13, John 3:16).