Believing to See

Believing to See

Psalm 27:13 ; Hebrews 11:27

In the two passages above we see that both David and Moses endured hardship and exercised faith in some things that they could not see. David, believed to see and Moses endured as seeing him who is invisible.

Faith to see the invisible: (Hebrews 11:1-3)

In verse 1 we see the definition of faith. Note that it is the substance of things not seen. In verse 2 we see that the elders obtained a good report by this substance. Then in verse 3 we see that we can understand by faith that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen are not made of things which do appear.

(Object Lesson of Laser beam with aerosol)

Using the principle of light scattering we cannot see the laser beam even though it is there. But with the aerosol spray the particles scatter the light back to our eyes and we see the beam.

God is like the laser beam (1 John 1:5) he is there but we cannot see him. The word of God is like the aerosol allows our eyes to see God.

God and his word are both likened to light. Note the following verses:

Psalm 119:105 ; Psalm 119:130 ; 2 Peter 1:19

Faith comes by the word of God (Romans 10:17) therefore if we are going to be like David and Moses and endure as seeing something that is not seen, we must use the word of God to strengthen our faith and believe to see.