Abide With Us

Abide With Us CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO These disciples had been walking with Jesus not knowing that he had risen from the dead.  They were sad because they thought that he was still dead.  Jesus had been revealing to them from the scriptures the prophecies concerning his need to suffer before...

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Abomination to Each Other Prov. 29: 27

Abomination to Each Other Prov. 29: 27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The just and the unjust are an abomination to each other. If you are just, it ought to make you mad when you: Hear cussing, hear about child molesting and abuse, hear about fornication and adultery and hear lying....

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The Fear of Man Prov. 29: 25

The Fear of Man Prov. 29: 25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you trust the Lord you have liberty. When you trust the Lord you have fear. There is liberty in fear of the Lord. When you do not trust the Lord you are ensnared by the fear of man. The...

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Vision Prov. 29: 18

Vision Prov. 29: 18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is deadly not to have the right vision – where there is no vision the people perish – so we have to have vision. We must have a: Vision of God’s Words – 1 Sam 3:1, 21 [in Lk 24 after Jesus...

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Communication in Marriage

Mark 7:31-37 Communication is a skill that is developed.  Let’s consider the five parts of communication using the account of the Lord Jesus Christ healing a man who had communication problems.  This man is much like many marriages, unable to speak, unable to hear, and hindered in his communication. Initial...

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A Sure Foundation

A Sure Foundation in Jesus Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Isaiah 28:16, Jesus Christ is depicted a stone, a sure foundation.  In truth, we find him to be: A Foundation Stone – 1 Cor 3:11 – he is the rock upon which our Christian lives are founded and he is...

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Isaiah 28:14-29 Overflowing Scourge

Overflowing Scourge Is 28 14-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is an overflowing scourge coming up on the earth [Is 28:15, 18].  A scourge is a whip or other flogging instrument; any means of inflicting severe punishment, suffering or vengeance.  This scourge is called a consumption and it is determined upon...

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Things God Hates

 Things God Hates Zec.8:16-17 Zechariah was told by the Lord in this passage that there are some things God hates. If we really want to please God we need to take heed to the things God hates. Some times we don’t realize that what we consider a small fib or...

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Contending with the Foolish Prov. 29: 9

Contenting with the Foolish Prov. 29: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus Christ was filled with wisdom (Luke 2:40). Even the people in Jesus own country recognized his wisdom (Matt 13:54). Jesus declared that the Pharisees were fools (Matt 23:17 & 19). So, in the scripture, we find some instruction about...

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Transgression’s Snare Prov. 29: 6

Transgression’s Snare Prov. 29: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul points out that even though we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ we still live in a wicked world where the devil has laid snares to entrap us (Rom 7:21). Being saved does not mean that you escape transgression’s...

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