A Word Fitly Spoken Prov. 25: 11-13

A Word Fitly Spoken Prov. 25:11-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A word fitly spoken is a beautiful thing – v.11 – to be able to speak a fitting word, two things must be true: You must be a wise reprover – v.12 You must be a faithful messenger – v.13 In...

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Getting Put to Shame Prov. 25: 8-10

Getting Put to Shame Prov. 25: 8-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A sure fire way to get put to shame is to refuse to hear the good counsel of these verses. In verse 8 you go to a fellow half-cocked and mad and strive with him over something you suspect...

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The Winds of Everyday Life

The Winds of Everyday Life Acts 27                 Have you ever flown a kite? The wind is probably the most important part of the whole exercise. Without the wind, your kite will not fly. Once that kite is in the air it seems to really fight against the string. It...

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A Heart Far From God

A Heart Far From God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When your heart gets far from God, it will affect: Your Love – v.2 – “they found fault” – Jesus had come to heal them and to save them and all they could do is criticize him – men whose hearts stray...

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Two Kingdoms

Two Kingdoms CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the New Testament there are two kingdoms being preached.  There is the kingdom of heaven, which is only found in Matthew’s gospel [mentioned 31 times], and the kingdom of God.  John preached “… the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” [Matt 3:1-2].  Jesus preached...

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Walls of a Godly Home: #2 Tame Your Tongue

James 3:1-16 Learn to Listen James 3:1-2 Be not many masters… You will never say anything worth saying until you learn to listen.  Seek to understand, not be understood.  If what you’re about to say can be summed up with the phrase, “And that’s why I’m right and you’re wrong!” then grow up....

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Come Up Hither Prov. 25: 7

Come Up Hither Prov. 25: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Solomon said Come Up Hither. The practical application of this verse is simple – don’t put yourself in the big shot seat without a specific invitation from the host – he may not want you in a seat of honor if...

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The Dross from the Silver Prov. 25: 4

The Dross from the Silver Prov. 25:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God has vessels in his house 2 Tim 2:20-21 and he wants these to be vessels of honour – the only way to take an old man made new and make him a vessel of honor is to get rid...

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Our Glorious Home

Our Glorious Home CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have so many things around us that keep us earthly minded.  So, tonight we need a reminder about our glorious home in heaven.  When we get there we are going to see: Our Glorious God – v.11, 23 – All the gods of...

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Search Out A Matter Prov. 25: 2-3

Search Out A Matter Prov. 25:2-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The honour of kings is to search out a matter.  We will be kings and priests unto God during the millennial reign of Jesus – Rev 1:5-6.  Therefore we have the responsibility to search out matters – but we have to...

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