Christian Growth VII – Church Ordinances

Baptism & The Lord’s Supper CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the seventh lesson in Christian Growth.  This lesson deals with water baptism and the Lord’s supper. The first ordinance is water baptism – Water baptism is an ordinance that Jesus gave the church.  In Matt 28:19, Jesus commanded us to...

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The Local Church and the Family

The Local Church and the Family  Acts 2:41-47 What is the church? The church is the body of Jesus Christ according to Romans 12:4-5 & Ephesians 5:30.  It is also the pillar and ground of the truth according to 1 Timothy 3:15.  A person becomes a member of the body...

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Train Up A Child Prov. 22: 6

Train Up A Child Prov. 22:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To train up a child is all important – the Bible says that you have to TRAIN them – not just discipline them or punish them – and it says that you have to train them in the way that they...

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Riches Honor and Life Prov. 22: 4

Riches, Honor & Life Prov. 22:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The world certainly seems to be interested in riches honor and life but they are deceived by them and about them, as well. Riches – they are currently in the hands of the proud – you find them mostly in entertainment,...

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The Renewing of Your Mind

The Renewing of Your Mind Romans 12:1- 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to our text, your transformation as a Christian takes place by the renewing of your mind.  Notice that when “man” was made, God “formed” him of the dust [Gen 2:7].  After the fall, we lost our form.  That’s...

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A Prudent Man Foreseeth the Evil Prov. 22: 3

The Prudent Hide Themselves Prov. 22:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself – here is a man that looks far enough down the road to see a danger and then takes precautions to keep from getting hurt or killed – a simple man just keeps...

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A Good Name Prov. 22: 1

A Good Name Prov. 22:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you had the choice of making more money and blemishing your name to do it or making less money and maintaining a good name what would you do?  Consider the CEO scandals, political scandals, lobbyist scandals that are all the result...

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Special Events for September 2013

Sep 1 – Randy Knupple Ordination – 7pm Sep 1 – Deacon Installation – 7pm Sep 8 – Kristine McLaughlin – Ivory Coast Sep 15 – Prospective New Members Luncheon – 12:30pm Sep 15 – Stephen Knickerbocker – Burkina Faso Sep 22 – Baptism at the Lake – 5:30pm Sep 29...

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Safety is of the Lord II Prov. 21: 31

Safety is of the Lord II Prov. 21:31  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Safety is of the Lord.  The cross reference for today is 2 Chr 20. This episode in Israel demonstrates as well as any passage or any event in history that safety is of the Lord.  We should endeavor...

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Their Lies Caused Them To Err

Their Lies Caused Them To Err CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Amos said about Judah, their lies caused them to err.  When we consider how people get messed up in the world, we often find that a lie is what caused them to get off track.  Lies like evolution, religion, sales pitches...

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