
Epaphroditus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Epaphroditus supplied the lack of “service” to Paul by the Philippians.  Thus, he was a servant.   In the Lord’s ministry, Jesus said the greatest men were his servants [Matt 20:26-28].  From this text, we learn Epaphroditus’ excellent characteristics as a servant. In most churches today, you...

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Christian Growth IV

Christian Growth IV Eph. 5 :17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said in Eph 5:17 that he wanted us to understand what the will of the Lord is.  Well, you will never understand the will of God apart from the word of God. In the word of God you find the...

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Foundations of Marriage (Part 1)

Genesis 2:24-25 God has established laws that govern without respect of persons. The law of gravity is a law without regard for who it affects.  If a person decides to jump out of a building they will fall.  If the President of the United States decides to jump out of...

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An Inheritance Prov. 20: 21

An Inheritance Prov. 20:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is a privilege from your parents to receive an inheritance.  It makes it so much easier to buy a car or make a down payment on a house or to have a supplemental income or to give abundantly to the Lord or...

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Cursing Your Parents Prov. 20: 20

Cursing Mom & Dad Prov. 20:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Instead of cursing your parents, you should follow what the Bible says.  The Bible gives you clear instructions about your relationship with mom and dad.  Moms and Dads have a good list of what the Lord expects from their children. Your...

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Daniel’s Prayer

Daniel’s Prayer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Daniel’s prayer is a prayer that ought to be prayed by every American.  Maybe then we would see God’s mercy and not his judgment on this country. Daniel’s prayer is exemplary to us in that his prayer shows us how to approach the Lord. He faced God...

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Bread of Deceit Prov. 20: 17

Bread of Deceit Prov. 20:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here’s the proverb concerning the bread of deceit: a man will feed you tasty food to deceive you which tastes good at first and then turns to gravel – it damages your teeth, it’s impossible to swallow, and it is incapable of...

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But the Lips of Knowledge Prov. 20: 15

But Lips of Knowledge Prov. 20:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb compares the lips of knowledge to gold and rubies.  The lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.  In other words, they are more valuable than rubies and gold. Gold – Gold is highly desirable and is touted as...

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Satisfied with Bread Prov. 20: 13

Satisfied With Bread Prov. 20:13  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb is very simple and shows a direct correlation between the amount of time you spend sleeping and your poverty.  Solomon says that if a man would open his eyes, he would be satisfied with bread.  In other words, opportunities...

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