Deliverance God’s Way

Deliverance God’s Way CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Acts 12:1-11 This passage tells the story of how Peter was delivered from prison when Herod the king stretched forth his hand to vex certain of the church. It is an amazing example of how God’s deliverance works. Truly if God wanted Peter out...

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What God Wants You to Lay Up For The Future?

  What  God wants you to lay up for the future?                                                                                            Gen. 41:46-48 God told Joseph to lay up  for the future bad years to come. We all know the story how it worked out in a way to save the nation of Israel. There are things that God...

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What is Your Life?

What Is Your Life CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO James summarizes your life here on earth in one simple verse.  When you hear what he has to say, you’re not going to like it.  But after you think about it a while, you will agree that he is right.  You will agree...

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Christian Growth III

Judgment Seat of Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we started this series on Christian Growth, we started with the two things you need to grow: the milk and meat of the word of God and your workout, whereby you do what the word of God says. Then we taught on...

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Holiness in the Home

Our vocabulary needs to be God’s vocabulary, but it isn’t.  We have called drunkenness alcoholism.  A thief is a kleptomaniac.  Someone who wallows in thoughts about themselves is called manically depressed by psychology.  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a statement about what someone is doing, but not why they do it....

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The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye Prov. 20: 12

The Hearing Ear & the Seeing Eye Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This little proverb is profound in its simplicity.  It shows us some very important things that we never want to forget.  Notice: The ears and the eyes were made by God – The Lord made – Gen 1:1,...

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Even a Child Prov. 20: 11

Even a Child Prov. 20:11  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You can certainly tell whether a man’s work is pure and right by simply examining it – and his work tells an awful lot about his character.  Even a child is known by his doings.  A man that is lazy will...

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Praying Always for You

Praying Always For You CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul’s statement to the Colossians, Praying always for you, describes his prayer life.  It was normal for him to pray everyday and when he did he included these folks in his prayers.  He wasn’t urgent and he wasn’t neglectful.  He was consistent and...

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Integrity Prov. 20: 7

Integrity Prov. 20:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The characteristic of integrity is one of the most vital characteristics that any man can have. Unfortunately, there are many Christians who have failed in this area of life. What is Integrity? Moral soundness Honesty Freedom from corrupting influence, or motive The idea of...

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