The Woman with the Issue of Blood

The Woman with the Issue of Blood CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The woman with the issue of blood found in Jesus Christ what she could not find in the physicians of the world.  She found in Jesus: His Approachability – v.26-27 – She was spent and he was hard to...

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The Truth

The Truth John 14:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We preached last week on Col 2:8, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”  Today, in an effort to show you how to avoid...

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Isaiah 21:1-17 Burden of the Desert

Burden of the Desert Is 21:1-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In order to simplify our study of the burden of the desert, the burden of Dumah and the burden of Arabia, we should first locate the geography of these prophecies, then their time, and then the visions concerning them. First, we...

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A Way Which Seemeth Right Prov. 14: 12

A Way Which Seemeth Right Prov. 14:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you want the way of life, you must have Jesus Christ – Jn 14:6 – that’s plain and simple but there are many others who have devised a different way, thinking that it is the right way because it...

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Bitterness and Joy Prov. 14: 10

Bitterness and Joy Prov. 14:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse is very contrary to today’s philosophies (Col 2:8) – it says several things about which we need to be very mindful – this has to do with how we deal with bitterness and joy. When dealing with bitterness: You know...

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How to Spot a Scorner Prov. 14: 6

How to Spot a Scorner Prov.14:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Scorn – (n) open disrespect for a person or thing accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike – (v) to scorn is to look down on with disdain. Scorner – a person who expresses contempt by remarks or facial expressions; a...

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Where to Beware

Where to Beware Col 2: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This morning we told you what to beware of: philosophy, vain deceit, tradition of men, and rudiments of the world.  Now we’ll tell you where you find these things of which to beware and what to do about them. You’ll find the four...

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Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You

Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You Col 2:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before we get into the sermon Beware lest any man spoil you, it would be well for us to make sure we understand the things of which we are to beware and what can happen to us as a...

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Isaiah 20:1-6 Isaiah Walks Naked and Barefoot

Isaiah Walks Naked and Barefoot Is 20:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This prophecy is against Egypt and Ethiopia – Judah was supposed to take heed to this prophecy so that they would not put their confidence in Egypt when they were attacked.  As a sign in this prophecy Isaiah walks naked...

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Finances by the Bible (Part 3)

Righteousness and sin affect all aspects of our lives.  In this lessons we will look at these two oppose each other when it comes to finances. Work versus Theft Exodus 20:15 vs 2 Thessalonians 3:10 Ephesians 4:28 & Proverbs 13:11 increasing versus diminishing returns Hard working men display a culture...

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