Finish What You Start

 Finish What You Start Luke 2:40-49             What the young Jesus was trying to tell his parents was “I have started something for my Father, and I must work on it until it is finished”. Even though Jesus was young he knew the importance of finishing what you start.  So,...

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He That Tilleth His Land Prov. 12: 11

He That Tilleth His Land Prov 12:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread.  This is a proverb that hearkens back to the days when men had a piece of land that they utilized to feed themselves.  For the most part, folks don’t do...

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Caring For Animals Prov. 12: 10

Caring for Animals Prov. 12:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says that a righteous man careth for the life of his beast.  So, we ought to see how the Bible shows us to do this and then see what the limitations are. The idea of caring for animals originated with...

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A Virtuous Woman Prov. 12: 4

A Virtuous Woman Prov. 12: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Well, here is a subject that will be an honor to a virtuous woman, a goal and instruction for young women, and a reproof to women who are not virtuous but can be and ought to be.  This message will mean...

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The Wise Soul Winner Prov. 11: 30

The Wise Soul Winner Prov. 11:30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We call this broadcast the wise soul winner.  He that winneth souls is wise – there is wisdom in soul winning in three different respects: It’s a wise thing to do – it is wise to: be obedient – Acts 1:8;...

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What To Do With Wealth Prov. 11: 24-26

What to do with Wealth Prov 11:24-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The principle here concerns how to handle wealth, whether you have a little or a lot.  You increase it by giving it away – this may seem like a strange principle but it is but tried and true. Withholding is...

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That Ye Might Believe

That Ye Might Believe CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John said that he wrote about the signs in his gospel so that ye might believe.  There were many other signs about which he did not write.  However, he said that if you were to read about and believe the ones he recorded,...

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The Resurrection of Jesus Matt. 28:1

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is easiest to view the resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of the various characters that were involved.  The characters directly involved with the resurrection are: The Two Mary’s Matt 28:1 at first daylight, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of...

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Soul Winning

Soul Winning Prov.11:30             Do you consider yourself a soul winner? This text is where we get the phrase, even though Solomon had no concept of our definition. These seven things are things that anyone can do. You may never lead a person to the Lord, but you can do...

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Shepherding Your Child’s Heart (Part 1)

Proverbs 4:23 This lesson we will study the heart of a child and how a parent is involved in shepherding their child’s heart. Your Child’s Heart is NOT a blank slate – The second thing to know about your child’s heart is it’s nature is sinful and rebellious. That means...

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