Discretion for Fair Women Prov. 11: 22

Discretion for Fair Woman Prov. 11:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A fair woman who has discretion will be: wise, self-controlled, knowing correct and appropriate behavior, able to make the right judgments when alone [in other words, without her parents or pastor around]. If she doesn’t have discretion then she is like...

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A Sure Reward Prov. 11: 18-21

A Sure Reward Prov. 11:18-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sowing righteousness brings a guaranteed reward which the wicked cannot claim: Life – v.19 – temporal life Rom 8:1; Prov 10:27 Delight – v.20 – favor with the Lord – the wicked are an abomination to the Lord Deliverance – v.21 –...

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Walk After the Spirit

Walk After theSpirit Rom 8: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the last half of Rom 8:1, the Bible instructs you plainly to walk after the Spirit.  You know that this has to be a very important spiritual truth because the last half of verse 1 is missing in modern Bibles.  When...

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What Goes Around Comes Around Prov. 11: 17

What Goes Around Comes Around Prov. 11:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What goes around comes around is a practical truth not a doctrinal truth – Jesus extended more mercy than anyone and yet he was crucified – Paul was merciful yet his testimony reveals how rough his life was – practically speaking,...

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Safety in the Multitude of Counselors Prov. 11: 14

Safety in the Muilitude of Counselors Prov. 11:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Counsel slows you down and gives you more time to consider the thing – that’s why many people skip it – they want to be more impulsive – they want to say “I prayed about it” and then...

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Talebearers Prov. 11: 13

Talebearers Prov. 11:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO These are some of the most despicable people in Christianity – they are the gossips – they carry concealed weapons without a permit – their weapon is their tongue – a 6” tongue can drop a 6’ man quicker and more proficiently than a...

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The Widow of Zarephath

The Widow of Zarephath 1 Kings 17: 8-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Elijah stopped the rain in Israel during Ahab’s reign to break the country of its Baal worship.  For a while, Elijah was able to survive on food brought by ravens and water in the brook Cherith.  However, in due...

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Who Is This?

Even before Adam was created, God knew that this particular day in the life of Jesus Christ was coming.  Many prophecies concerning the events of the next 9 days had been recorded in the Old Testament centuries before Jesus was even born.  The next few days were going to be,...

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Isaiah 15:1-9 The Burden of Moab

The companion chapter to Isaiah 15 on the burden of Moab is Jeremiah 48.  These two chapters show you what’s going to happen to Moab when Jesus returns [see the Second Advent context in Is 16:5].  There is going to be wide spread destruction which no one in that region...

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Sanctification   Introduction:   Heb. 12:14 (Holiness) Very important subject.                             Some things that change when you get saved: 1)    Regeneration – your nature is changed               Born again Jn. 3:3               New Creature II Cor. 5:17 2)    Justification  –   your standing is changed               Standing- Refers to your position in                            ...

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