A Friend Loveth at all Times

A Friend Loveth at all Times CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO These are very sketchy notes on a friend loveth at all times.  This sermon urges you to receive Jesus Christ, the greatest friend you will ever have, and to be the friend to others that Jesus is to you.  The companion...

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Isaiah 12:1-6 The Wells of Salvation

In That Day Is. 12:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This chapter begins with the phrase “in that day.”  We know, then, that this is a reference to something associated with the Second Coming of Jesus.  We’ll make a few comments about the verses in this short chapter and then we will...

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Benefits of Obedience

Proverbs 1:7-9 There are several benefits of obedience.  Proverbs lays out God’s curriculum for parents to instruct their children.  24 times in Proverbs the phrase “my son” is used:  23 times by a father and 1 time by a mother.  Proverbs is a pattern of education, noted in verses 1:1-6,...

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What does God say about Homosexuals?

What does God say about Homosexuals?                 Lately in the news the Boy Scouts of America have announced that it will now be acceptable for homosexuals and any other perversion to become leaders of groups of children and young men in their organization. This organization has been in existence for...

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Trust in the Lord Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the Lord Prov. 3: 5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you get saved you become a son of God, so you can honestly have the confidence that God is going to lead you (Rom 8:14). As a son of God you expect God to lead you by the Spirit...

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Forget Not My Law Proverbs 3: 1-4

Forget Not My Law Prov. 3:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb has to do with a son receiving the law given to him by his father who shows him the benefit of keeping it. If a child receives no instruction or has a father and mother who do not exercise...

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Unbelief Heb. 3 John 16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we read the text and compare it with Jn 16:8-11, we get the idea that we are reading verses that are aimed solely at the lost.  However, as Christians, we are prone to live practically in unbelief when we live our...

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Wisdom Guides You Proverbs 2: 10-22

Wisdom Guides You Prov. 2:10-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The wisdom set forth in verses 10-22 should be instilled in your heart and also in the hearts of your children because there are valuable benefits when followed. Wisdom does not come through rote memory. It comes through fear of the...

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Getting Wisdom Proverbs 2: 19

Getting Wisdom Prov. 2:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This text tells you how to get the wisdom of God – practically speaking there are those who don’t believe these verses – they say they do but in action they really don’t – that’s why they use modern bibles – they want...

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