The Doctrine of Eternal Security, Jn 10:27-30

The Doctrine of Eternal Security John 10:27-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this text Jesus says two things (My sheep hear my voice and I know them) that are characteristic of eternal security (Matt.7:22-23). If He knows who you are then that is the seal of eternal security (Jude 24; 2...

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The Works of My Father, Jn 10:19-42

The Works of My Father John 10:19-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The testimony of Jesus Christ is that He is God, He is the Son of God and He is the Christ. The works that Jesus did were works that were attributed to God the Father. Therefore, Jesus had to be...

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Fishers of Men

 Fishers of Men CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you are ever going to be fishers of men and catch a great multitude of men, you’ll have to: Launch Out – v.4 – you are going to have to fish for them – you can’t just go from work to home to...

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Isaiah 8:9-10 Gathering of the Nations

Gathering of the Nations Isaiah 8: 9-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This Sunday school lesson on the gathering of the nations shows that the Lord actually gathers the nations against Israel to destroy the nations that fight against Israel.  This is the Lord’s determination as a pay back to those nations...

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Other Sheep, Jn 10:16-18

Other Sheep John 10:16-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep because it is God’s command (John 10:17, 6:38, 14:31) The good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep because it is His desire (John 10:18, 2:19, and 19:10-11) Laying down of life...

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The Door, Jn 10:7-10

The Door John 10:7-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the previous lesson it was explained that a sheepfold had only one door. In this text we learn that Jesus Christ is that door through which all must pass to enter into the sheepfold. When the sheep go in they are protected...

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The Parable of the Shepherd, Jn 10:1-6

The Parable of the Shepherd John 10:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus gave the Pharisees this parable they did not understand it (John 9:22, 9:34). A parable simply uses things from everyday life to demonstrate a spiritual truth and make it much easier to understand. Sometimes Jesus used parables to...

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Believe on the Son of God, Jn 9:35-41

Believe on the Son of God John 9:35-41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the blind man confessed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God the Pharisees then cast him out of the synagogue. When the blind man said, “If this man were not of God, he could do nothing” (John...

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