Discipleship Lesson #4 – Prayer

   Discipleship 4 Prayer Bro. Tony Seale CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is prayer really that important and, if so, how should I pray?     Luke 18:1-8 (A parable from Jesus on why we should always pray) Psalm 86:3 (David prayed daily) Psalm 55:17 (David prayed 3 times a day) Daniel 6:10 (Daniel...

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Who Is Jesus Christ, Jn 1:1-5

Who Is Jesus Christ John 1:1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John’s Gospel jumps right into the ministry of Jesus Christ and introduces the main character of his gospel by ascribing Him five attributes. The main character, Jesus Christ, is described as the Word, God, the Creator, life, and the light of...

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Dealing With Temptation – The World

Dealing with Temptation – The World James 4 4-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the third part in the series on dealing with temptation.  The world runs contrary to the Lord.  Consequently, Christians who get too close to the world are subjected to more sin than those who stay...

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Converting Sinners

Converting Sinners James 5:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How can my life be used in converting sinners from the error of their ways?  There are 5 ingredients.  It takes: A Compelling Awareness of Father’s business – Lk2:49 – Paul was a tent maker.  By this occupation he provided his own necessities as well as...

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Isaiah 3:9-26 The Evil Reward

 The Evil Reward Is 3: 9-26 CLICK  TITLE FOR AUDIO In v.8Judah and Jerusalem turned against the Lord [with their tongue and their doings].  In v.9, they couldn’t hide it because it showed on their countenance [like Jer 3:3 and Prov21:29, the countenance reveals the nature] and they declared it...

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Discipleship Lesson #3 – The Holy Spirit

Discipleship Lesson 3 The Holy Spirit Bro. Welder CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many things that the Holy Spirit does for us when we get saved and they are listed here for your reference.  These are too numerous to study in one basic discipleship lesson.  So, we will study a...

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Dealing With Temptation – Flesh and Eyes

Dealing With Temptation 1 Jn 2:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Remember, from last week, that the trouble with temptation begins in your mind.  As preachers have said before, “Sow a thought, reap a desire; sow a desire, reap an act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a...

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Special Events for August 2012

Here’s what’s going on in August August 2-30 –6:00 pmThursday night discipleship lessons 3 thru 7 August 5-17 – Woods’ survey trip toMoldova August 12 – Sunday 10:30 am Special evangelistic service – no Sunday school August 12 – Sunday7 pmCorey Riggs, missionary toPoland August 15 – Wednesday Metal building...

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God Doesn’t Despise Small Things

God Does’nt Despise Small Things Zech 4: 10  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God won’t despise the small things you can do for him: When they are not withheld – Jn 6:9 – the lad could have easily withheld the five loaves and two fish because they were so small compared with...

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Discipleship Lesson #2 – Eternal Security

Lesson #2 Bro. Randy Knupple CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Salvation There are only Two Spiritual Families.   The Devil’s Family John 8:44 speaks of a group of people who are of  their “father the devil” See also John 8:38 You enter this family by birth through your physical father, who is...

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