Dealing With Temptation – The Mind

Dealing With Temptation Eph. 2:1-3  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This study on “Dealing With Temptation” will take several weeks.  In this study we will break dealing with temptation down into several components: the trouble with the mind, the trouble with lust, the flesh and the eyes, the trouble with the...

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Isaiah 3:1-8 National Decay of Judah

National Decay of Judah Isaiah. 3: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When a nation starts going down, you will notice the same characteristics that you see inJudahin this passage.  When God begins his judgment, the trouble starts with the very basic necessities: bread and water.  These are the “stay.”  Without...

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Perceive Ye Not Yet

Perceive Ye Not Yet Mark 8:14-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Perception is often a matter of perspective – the Lord was talking about doctrine and the disciples were hearing about bread.  What affects your ability to perceive? Your Point of View – when talking to others, you have to know their...

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Discipleship Lesson #1 – The Bible

Discipleship #1 Bro. Bryan Boatman CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Discipleship Lesson #1 Why is the Bible unique? It is the truth, John 17:17 Where would you find truth if you didn’t have this book?  Newspapers, magazines, TV? All experiences and doctrines should be laid to the plumbline of God’s words (Galatians...

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Affections Above

 Affections Above Col. 3: 1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People talk about loving things.  They love soccer, they love BBQ, they love music, they love kids, and so forth.  But the Bible says that we are to set our affections on things above.  Why? Because things below can draw you...

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Possess Your Possessions

Israel never fully possessed their possessions in the land of Canaan– the Lord prepared the land for them and gave them victory over their enemies – but some enemies remained – then they went back to the idols – then they were attacked by their enemies – eventually they were...

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Isaiah 2:10-22 The Day of the Lord

From this passage, we see a number of things that accompany the day of the Lord: The Lord arises to shake the earth – v.19, 21 – Is 24:20 it shall reel to and fro like a drunkard The glory of his majesty is seen and men hide themselves – v.10, 19, 21...

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As Against A Thief

The Betrayal of the Lord Jesus Christ Matt 26 47-56 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The world has a twisted impression of Jesus Christ as did the Pharisees.  Jesus had come to give them liberty and all they could see is that he was stealing their followers.  As men believed on him...

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Supporting Missionaries, Phil 4:15-23

Philippians 4:15-23 Supporting Missionaries CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul was a missionary Acts 13.  We talk about his missionary journeys.  At this point in his letter to the Philippians, he is thanking them for money and in doing so, shows why and how we should support missionaries. How: Through the church...

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Do Like Paul, Phil 4:9-14

Philippians 4:9-14 Do Like Paul CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul’s life was exemplary.  He was not ashamed to tell us to follow him.  He told the Philippians that whether they learned, received, heard or saw these things in his life, they were to do them.  From him we can learn how...

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