An Altar at Shechem

An Altar at Shechem Gen 12: 1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Cities and regions in the Bible can be very significant because of the events that took place there.  Shechem is no exception.  When Abraham built an altar at Shechem, he established a type of the altar that you commonly see...

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Isaiah 2:6-9 Why God Forsook Jerusalem

Why God Forsook Jerusalem Isaiah 2: 6-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the last lesson, we saw all the blessings promised to Jerusalem and Judah at the Second Coming of Jesus.  Now, Isaiah switches to a vision in which God forsakes the house of Jacob.  By studying other scriptures, we...

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What Are You Thinking About Phil. 4:8

Philippians 4:8 What Are You Thinking About CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Oh that mind!  How rarely it is thinking about the stuff that God wants us thinking about.  We just have to develop the habit of thinking about the right things.  Of course, you can claim II Cor 10:1-3 for that...

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Quit Worrying Phil. 4:6-7

Philippians 4:6-7 Quit Worrying CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  A lot of people we meet are concerned and careful about something – many things.  It is in the nature of humans to worry.  Worrying is a sin and reveals a lack of trust in God and a lack of gratitude and a...

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Wise Counsel for Christians Phil. 4:1-5

Philippians 4:1-5 Wise Counsel for Christians CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  THE LORD IS AT HAND.  Paul is writing to help these Christians out and so he gives them wise counsel.  He can, and they will receive it because they are: Dearly beloved  I Cor 13, [Charity edifieth]; Longed  for; his converts –...

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The Glorified Body Phil. 3:20-21

 The Glorified Body Philippians 3:20-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Knowing that you are going to get a glorified body affects your: Conversation – Positionally, Eph 2:6, Affectionately,Col 3:1-2, Doctrinally, II Pet 3:11 Hope – Looking for and talking about the return of Jesus Christ Physical Nature – I Cor 15, mortality,...

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Ensamples or Enemies Phil. 3:15-19

Ensamples or Enemies Philippians 3:15-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  You can follow an ensample (v. 17).  An ensample is more than an example because it is the thing and not just like the thing.  For instance, a sample size toothpaste is an ensample because it is exactly the same product as...

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Filled with the Spirit

Be Filled With The Spirit of God Ephesians 5:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Eph 5:18, we find that to be filled with the Spirit is an imperative.  So, if you are not filled with the Spirit then you are not doing what the Lord told you to do.  The question...

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Isaiah 2:1-5 When Christ Returns

When Christ Returns Isaiah 2: 1-5  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah can tell us what happens when Christ returns because he “saw” the word of the Lord and what he saw concerns the “last days” which begin in the tribulation and continue through the Second Advent of Jesus.  When Christ returns:...

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Special Events for July 2012

Here’s what’s going on in July July 8 – Guest Evangelist July 9-13 – VBS 6:30-9:00pm July 19 – Discipleship Class 1 at 6pm July 22 – Specials and Drama Meeting 5pm July 22 – Bryan Boatman preaching Sun Evening July 26 – Discipleship Class 2 at 6pm

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