Jesus’ Exaltation, Phil 2:9-11

 Phil 2: 9-11 Jesus’ Exaltation CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO    Yesterday we saw that the way up is down, and the Lord had to go way down to save us.  Seven steps down: No reputation Servant Likeness of men Fashion of man Humble Obedient Crucified The work of redemption is done;...

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The Temple of God

The Temple of God I Cor 3:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Cor 6:19-20 – we recognize that our individual bodies are called the temple of the “Holy Ghost” – but when you study the “temple of God” in the New Testament, a very interesting picture emerges Jn 2:19-21 – the...

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Jesus’ Humility Phil. 2:5-8

 Phil 2: 5-8 Jesus’ Humility CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As a preacher said about the Christian life, “The way up is down.”  In the life of John of whom it was said, “There is not a greater prophet than John,” he made the way of humility clear when Christ began to...

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A Pastor’s Joy Phil. 2:1-4

Philippians 2:1-4 A Pastor’s Joy CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said, “Fulfill ye my joy.”  And the joy was about everyone in the church getting along without the back biting and bickering and division that is so common today.  What he was asking for is a pastor’s dream – a church...

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What Now? Phil. 1:27-30

Philippians 1:27-30 What Now? CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Now that you are saved, what do you do now and what can you expect? Tell others about Christ “Conversation” v. 27 “becometh gospel” Used to: Eph 2:3;4:22 Now: Phil 3:20, heavenly; II Pet 3:11, holy; Jas 3:13, good; I Pet 3:16, even...

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Isaiah 1:1-15 The Rebellious Nation

The Rebellious Nation Isaiah 1: 1-15  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah prophesied in Judah through the reigns of four kings: Uzziah [2 Ki 15:1, 2 Chr 26:1], Jotham [2 Ki 15:32, 2 Chr 27:1], Ahaz [2 Ki 16:1, 2 Chr 28:1] and Hezekiah [2 Ki 18:1, 2 Chr 29:1].  During...

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How To Handle Bad News

How To Handle Bad News Job 1: 12-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  In Job 1:13-22, Job received the worst news anyone has ever received.  Here’s how to handle that kind of bad news: Bless the Name of the Lord – Job 1:21 he is worthy to be praised – God is good...

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To Live or Die Phil. 1:21-26

Philippians 1:21-26 To Live or Die CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul’s life is so tied to Christ’s that he would rather die than live so that he could be with Him.  He said in v. 21, “To die is gain.”  In v. 23, he said, “to be with Christ, which is...

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The Fall Out Phil. 1:12-20

The Fall Out Philippians 1:12-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul got locked up because of preaching the gospel and disobeying the Holy Spirit’s warning.  There was some fall out.  In Antioch– he could have complained, “Is this anyway to treat the preacher?”  “What did I do to deserve this?”  So forth. ...

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Inhibiting the Work of Salvation

Inhibiting the Work of Salvation Phil. 2:12-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Salvation is not by works, but once you are saved, once God is in you, then you have to work out what God is working in you.  But many Christians don’t do this.  Here are some things that inhibit your...

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