Babylon the Great (Part 2) Rev. 18:1-3
What Is Babylon Rev 18:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Babylon is the name of a real city – but today that city is merely a tourist attraction – Saddam Hussein started to rebuild the city and made reference to himself in the context of Nebuchadnezzar when he did – on...
Babylon the Great (Part 1) Rev. 18:1-3
Babylon The Great Revelation 18:1- 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Babylon is the name of a real city – but today that city is merely a tourist attraction – Saddam Hussein started to rebuild the city and made reference to himself in the context of Nebuchadnezzar when he did –...
To what does the term, “Biblical Separation” apply?
A Christian’s separation from the world. If you contrast the rotation of the earth with the movement of the sun, you notice that they move in opposite directions. Indeed, they should, since the sun is a picture of Jesus Christ, Ps. 19:4-5, and the world is the enemy of Jesus,...
How do you deal with saved people who have unscriptural beliefs?
Meekly but firmly with the Bible [2Tim 2:25-26]. You never know, when you first start to point out a scriptural problem, whether the individual is going to receive the correction or not. To us, it is helpful to mention that his beliefs are unscriptural and to ask if we might...