Church in Thyatira Rev. 2:18-29

The Church in Thyatira Revelation 2:18-29  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Church in Thyatira The identification of the speaker – 18 – Jesus Christ from what John saw in Revelation 1 With Ephesus he was identified by the seven stars and seven golden candlesticks With Smyrna he was identified as the...

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Church in Pergamos Rev. 2:12-17

The Church in Pergamos Revelation 2:12 -17  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Church in Pergamos The identification of the speaker – 12 Once again he is Jesus Christ identified by something John saw in Revelation 1 – in this case he is identified by his sharp sword with 2 edges [Revelation...

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Church in Smyrna Rev. 2:8-11

Church in Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11 Church in Smyrna   The identification of the speaker – 8   The first and the last is a reference to Jesus Christ from Revelation 1:17 Which was dead and is alive is a reference to Jesus Christ from Revelation 1:18 – so the resurrection...

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Church of Ephesus Rev.2:1-7

Church of Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Church of Ephesus John was told to write to the angel of each of the seven churches.  What he wrote is something like an evaluation.  The Lord notes good qualities in each church, in some cases warns them about a problem...

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Seven Churches of Revelation Rev.2-3

Seven Churches of Revelation 2-3  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Seven Churches of Revelation Some people regard the presence of churches in the Book of Revelation as evidence that the Church will go through the Tribulation.  However, a church is a called out assembly and can be an assembly of...

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Author of Revelation

Author of Revelation  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The author (authors) of Revelation identify themselves as God the Father, John the apostle, and the Lord Jesus Christ. God the Father He identifies himself as Alpha and Omega [v.8].  Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet and Omega is the...

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Prophecy of Revelation

Prophecy of Revelation CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this study of the first part of the Revelation, we will see the overview of the Revelation, the blessing of the Revelation, the authority of the Revelation, and the highlight of the Revelation. You will also notice in this study that there...

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Introduction to Revelation

Introduction to Revelation CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this introduction, there are some terms that you will want to learn if you do not already understand them.  As you study what other teachers and preachers have to say about the Revelation, you will find them referring to these terms.  So,...

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Explain 1 John 3:6-9

What is so hard when you first read the verses which are the subject of this question is that you know you still sin after you get saved.  Paul, one of the best Christians, by far, said, “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no...

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