
When a person receives Jesus Christ, one of the first things he ought to do is tell someone else that he got saved.  Darrel Robinson, who wrote the book, Total Church Life, used to take his new converts soul winning with him as soon as the next day after they...

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Looking back at lesson 3, we see that every new Christian is baptized by the Spirit into the body of Jesus Christ.  We are literally baptized into his death, burial and resurrection. Thus, water baptism pictures physically that which took place spiritually when we got saved.  It pictures our death,...

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Eternal Security

When the Holy Spirit of God gives spiritual life to a new convert, he also does some other things for the new Christian that forever secure his salvation in Jesus Christ, so that he cannot  lose it after he is saved.  He circumcises the body of each Christian away from...

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Spirit, Soul and Body

In the first lesson of discipleship, we showed the new convert that he is now a child of God with all of the privileges of son-ship available to him since God is now his Father.  In this lesson, we are going to show him what happened to him spiritually on...

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A New Child of God

A new convert needs to know, as soon as possible, just what happened to him when he got saved.  Generally, all he knows initially is that his sins have been washed away, he has been spared from hell and that Jesus is now on the inside of him.  While these...

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Is Abortion Wrong?

Yes, abortion is wrong. The courts have decided that abortion is legal. However, just because a thing is legal or customary does not mean that it is RIGHT. For instance, Ahaz and Manasseh, kings of Judah, made their children pass through the fire, which was the custom of the heathen in Canaan (2...

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What about 1 Jn 5:7?

You may not realize this, but 1 Jn 5:7 has been messed with in most modern Bibles. In the KJV, the verse reads, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” This is easily the most...

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Is there a Trinity?

Just because you can’t find the word “trinity” in the Bible doesn’t mean that the Trinity doesn’t exist. Just because you can’t fully comprehend the Trinity doesn’t mean that there isn’t one. Can you comprehend fully, “Christ in you?” Of course you can’t. That’s why Paul calls that a “mystery,”...

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