Matthew 23:34-39 The Pharisees Willful Rejection

Following Jesus’ scathing rebuke of the Pharisees, he pronounced judgments against them for their willful rejection of him. Notice in verse 37 the statement “ye would not.” Jesus was willing to gather the children of Israel to himself but they willfully rejected him. As a result, God would: Send them...

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Mathews 23:16-33 The Blind Pharisees

The Pharisees were blinded to the truth by their self-righteousness, their traditions and their misunderstanding of the law.  They failed to see that the man preaching to them was their Messiah.  They failed to perceive their hypocrisy.  They thought they were so pure and yet they were bloody killers.  Yet,...

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Matthew 23:13-15 Hypocritical Pharisees

The Pharisees were hypocrites and the Lord spared nothing in giving them a scathing rebuke in this chapter. A hypocrite is someone who pretends to be something he’s not; someone who pretends to be virtuous and pious. The Lord saw through their outward show and cut them to their heart...

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Matthew 23:1-12 The Exalted Pharisees

The Pharisees were the bane of Jesus’ ministry. So, right before his crucifixion, he warned his disciples about them and preached them under a terrible conviction. In this first part of his sermon, the Lord dealt with the fact that the Pharisees had exalted themselves and he commanded his disciples...

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Matthew 22:41-46 The Son of David

After the Pharisees tried and failed three times to get Jesus to say something they could use against him, they gave up. So, Jesus turned the tables on them and asked them a question about Ps 110:1 that they could not answer. Even if they knew the answer, they would...

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Matthew 22:15-40 How They Might Entangle Him

In a prior lesson, we saw that the Pharisees questioned Jesus’ authority for clearing out the Temple in Matt 21. In response to their question, he trapped them by asking a question regarding John’s baptism that they refused to answer for fear of incrimination. While he had their audience he...

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Matthew 22:1-14 The Marriage of the Lamb

This is a parable of the kingdom of heaven dealing with things at the end 2. certain king – God a. marriage for his son – Rev 12:7-9; Matt 25:1-13 3. servants – Rev 11:18; Rev 7:3 to call them a. bidden – invited – this was the Jews (Rom...

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Matthew 21:33-46 The Householder’s Vineyard

This parable illustrates the transfer of the kingdom of God from Israel to the Gentiles. Notice in verse 43 that the parable is about the kingdom of God (the spiritual kingdom which we enter by the new birth) and not the kingdom of heaven (the earthly, physical kingdom over which...

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Matthew 21:17-22 The Withered Fig Tree

There are three things that we need to study in this lesson concerning the fig tree that Jesus cursed on his way to the temple. We need to reconcile this passage with Mk 11:11-19, we need to study the typology of the fig tree and we need to apply the...

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