Matthew 16:13-20 Jesus the Christ

Matt 16:13-20 Jesus the Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we learn that Jesus the Christ is the Messiah. Some folks believe that as “the” Christ he was a natural born man upon whom the Spirit came at his baptism, thus making him the Christ. And that at his death,...

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Matthew 16:6-12 The Leaven of the Pharisees

Matt 16:6-12 The Leaven of the Pharisees CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus called the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees the leaven of the Pharisees. He did this not to confuse his disciples but to illustrate the effects of bad doctrine. First, he upbraided the disciples for their lack of understanding (v....

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Matthew 16:1-4 Signs from God

Matt 16:1-4 Signs CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Signs from God.  The Pharisees and the Sadducees wanted to see a sign from the Lord. But the Lord refused to grant their request because they already had: · The signs of the weather – a red sky at night meant fair weather in...

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Matthew 15:21-39 The Canaanite Womans Request

In this lesson, we find a break in God’s dispensational dealings with the Jews. He heals the daughter of a Canaanite woman even though his ministry is exclusively to the lost sheep of the house of Israel [15:24]. He also heals the multitudes and feeds four thousand men miraculously. Before...

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Matthew 15:1-20 Tradition of the Elders

The immediate question was why did Jesus’ disciples eat bread without washing their hands – the larger question was why did Jesus’ disciples transgress the tradition of the elders. The reasons are simple. The disciples transgressed the tradition of the elders because the tradition of the elders: 1. Nullifies the...

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Matthew 14:26-36 Responses to Jesus Miracles

Matt 14:26-36 Different Responses to Jesus’ Miracles CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Different Responses to Jesus Miracles 26 – it is a spirit – although God is a Spirit and Jesus is God, Jn 4:24, Jesus also has a flesh and bones body that literally arose from the dead and which will...

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Matthew 14:22-25 Jesus Walks on Water

After feeding the 5000, Jesus sent his disciples away to travel by boat to the land of Gennesaret. Instead of traveling with them, he stayed in the mountain alone and prayed. Later, he came to them walking on the water, while they were still rowing through a terrible storm. After...

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Matthew 14:13-21 Feeding the Five Thousand

Matt 14:13-21 Feeding the Five Thousand CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Feeding the five thousand is one of the most well known miracles in the Bible. As a matter of fact, it is recorded in all four gospels. There is much that we can learn about this miracle from the passage and the...

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Matthew 14:1-12 Death of John the Baptist

Matt 14:1-12 The Death of John the Baptist CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we learn about the death of John the Baptist.  We see by whom, why and how John the Baptist was martyred. We will also see that his death foreshadows the death of the two witnesses in...

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Matthew 13:51-58 Jesus Reputation

Matt 13:51-58 Jesus’ Reputation at Home CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before Jesus departed to his own country and after he had finished teaching these parables, he asked the disciples if they understood all that he had taught them. When they answered, he told them they were scribes instructed unto the kingdom...

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