Matthew 6:16-23 Practical Spiritual Matters

Matt 6:16-23 Practical Spiritual Matters CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, Jesus gave his Jewish disciples instructions on some practical spiritual matters. He taught them concerning fasting, giving, and looking. Basically, his directions can be boiled down this way. There is spiritual help in what you don’t eat, what you...

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Matthew 6:1-15 Alms and Prayers

Matt 6:1-15 Alms and Prayers CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, Jesus instructed his Jewish disciples on the right motive and method for alms and prayers. Alms are voluntary gifts to aid the poor (Acts 3:2-3, Acts 10:2). You can tell that these are instructions to Jews by the context....

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Matthew 5:43-48 Neighborly Love

Matt 5:43-48 Neighborly Love CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus expanded on one other area of the law in this chapter. He dealt with the “second commandment,” thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (Matt 22:35-40). The Old Testament reference for this command is found in Lev 19:18. However, Jesus added “and...

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Matthew 5:33-42 Further supplements to the Law

Matthew 5:33-42 Further supplements to the Law CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the last part of Matthew 5, Jesus enhances three additional areas of the law: oaths (v.33-37); retribution (v. 38-42); and neighborly love (v. 43-48). In this study, we will examine the first two of these three. Keep in mind...

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Matthew 5:27-32 Adultery

Matt 5:27-32 Adultery CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Old Testament, the commandment stated, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Basically, that meant a husband wasn’t supposed to cheat on his wife and she wasn’t supposed to cheat on him, as in the case of David and Bathsheba (2 Sam 11:4, 12:13)....

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Matthew 5:21-26 The Sixth Commandment

Matt 5:21-26 The Sixth Commandment CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After Jesus said that he had not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it, he began to interpret a couple of the commandments. In this lesson, we will study what he said about the sixth commandment: Thou shalt not kill...

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Matthew 5:17-20 Righteousness and the Law

Matt 5:17-20 Righteousness and the Law CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus turns the attention of his disciples to the subject of the law and righteousness. In Jesus’ ministry he dealt with several things concerning the law. He dealt with: The fulfillment of the law – v.17 Some folks got the idea...

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Matthew 5:14-16 The Light of the World

Matt 5:14-16 The Light of the World CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage is one of the unique passages in the Sermon on the Mount that has dual application to the Jews and to the Church. The Sermon on the Mount is doctrinally to the Jews. However, because Christians are also...

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Matthew 5:13 Ye are the Salt of the Earth

Matt 5:13 Ye are the Salt of the Earth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Most preachers that teach on this verse apply it to Christians. However, this verse does not apply to the Church, it doctrinally applies to Israel. When teachers apply it to Christians, they say things like, “Salt keeps meat...

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