Genesis 7:11-24 Evidence for the Flood

Genesis 7:11-24 Evidence for the Flood CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we will discuss where the waters for the flood came from, lunar calendar months, the historical and geological evidence for the flood, and the spiritual significance of the Lord shutting Noah and his family in the ark....

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Genesis 7:1-10 The coming Flood

Genesis 7:1-10 The coming flood CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage of scripture, we are dealing with an historical event that many people don’t believe.  However, it is a fact that is established by the Lord Jesus himself in Matt. 24:38.  And unless you believe that Jesus was a...

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Genesis 6:8 God’s Grace for Noah

Genesis 6:8 God’s Grace for Noah CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  So, we want to search through the scriptures to find out what grace is and what it does.   The first three times grace shows up in the Bible, it is...

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Genesis 6:9-22 Noah and the Ark

Genesis 6:9-22 Noah and the Ark CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we will study Noah’s family, the corruption that was in the earth, the construction and typology of the ark, and the animals that were spared.   Noah’s Family   There are three outstanding characteristics of Noah:  ...

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Genesis 6:5-8 Why the Flood

Genesis 6:5-8 Why the Flood CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The reason for the flood is that God formed man and the animals in the earth for a specific purpose.  They violated that purpose to such a degree that God wouldn’t put up with them anymore.  In this lesson, we will...

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Genesis 6:1-4 Sons of God

Genesis 6:1-4 Sons of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before the flood these “sons of God” show up on the earth and marry women. The real question is, “Who are these sons of God?” Are they a godly seed from Seth? Or are they something else? Frankly, they are something...

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Genesis 5:21-32 Enoch and Noah

In Genesis 5, we find the genealogy of Adam through Seth. Three men in Seth’s line are notable: Enoch, Methuselah and Noah. Enoch is the only man in the Bible who was “raptured” alive and will never die. Methuselah lived longer than any other man in the Bible. Noah found...

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Genesis 4:21-22 Cain’s Children II

Genesis 4:21-22 Cain’s Children II CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In addition to promoting city life, polygamy and idolatry through the worship of calves, Cain’s line is also connected with the corruption of music and the design of brass and iron inventions to draw men’s hearts away from God (Ps. 106:39)....

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Genesis 4:16-20 Cain’s Children

Genesis 4:16-20 Cain’s Children CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we begin to notice some patterns that are laid down in the Bible. For instance, Cain’s line is given before Seth’s line, showing you that the first one of a pair to show up is going to be the...

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Genesis 4:8-15 Cain’s Curse

Genesis 4:8-15 Cain’s Curse CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Cain represents the attitude of a self-righteous sinner, who will not trust the Lord Jesus Christ, toward saved sinners, who have trusted Jesus and not their own righteousness. He also pictures the Jews. Cain – The Self-righteous Sinner 1. He was a...

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