You Cannot Make Everybody Happy Jn 12:43

You Cannot Make Everyone Happy John 12: 42-43 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In John 12:43, the problem with the Pharisees is that they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.  If you are trying to make everybody happy, you won’t be able to please God.  And if you choose to please God, you cannot make everybody happy.  Look at some examples in the life of Jesus Christ.

In Luke 2:48-49, Mary and Joseph were upset with Jesus when he did not travel with them after the Passover.  But Jesus replied, “I must be about my Father’s business.”  Even though Jesus Christ was only 12 years old, he knew his Father‘s business, and doing his Father’s business conflicted with his mother and stepfather‘s wishes.  He could not please God and please them at the same time.   You may find the doing God’s will is contrary to your family’s wishes.  At times like this, you cannot make them happy and please God at the same time.

In Matthew 12:46-50, Jesus’ mother and brethren desired to see him when he was teaching his disciples.  Jesus replied, “whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”  In other words, he chose to deal with those whom he was teaching rather than his family.  Sometimes, we have to make a choice between family and the children of God and your family won’t be happy when you choose God’s people over them.

In John 11:3-4, 21, 32, Mary and Martha sent for Jesus when Lazarus was sick. Jesus refused to go when they called him which upset them.  However, he had a greater desire to glorify God and to encourage his disciples to believe (John 11:15).   And many did believe (John 12:11).  Jesus chose not to please Mary and Martha, his dear friends, so that he could glorify God and increase the number of believers among them.  He couldn’t please them both.

In Matthew 16:22; 26:52-54, Peter rebuked Jesus Christ about going to the cross.  He even pulled out the sword and attempted to kill a servant of the high priest because he was determined that Jesus Christ would not die.  However, Jesus rebuked Peter and healed the servant, which made Peter mad.  He could not make Peter happy and fulfill his father’s will at the same time.  Sometimes neither can you.

In John 8:54-55, the religious crowd persecuted and ridiculed Jesus Christ.  But rather than lie about his relationship to his Father, Jesus Christ spoke the truth, which they hated.  He could not please that religious crowd and please his Father at the same time.  Neither can you please religious people and please your Father when it becomes necessary for you to witness.

Conclusion: In Matthew 17:5 at the mount of Transfiguration, God the Father said about his Son, “in whom I am well pleased.”  If you want your heavenly Father to be pleased with you then you must understand that you cannot make everybody happy.  Concern yourself solely with pleasing God.