Come Up Hither Prov. 25: 7

Come Up Hither Prov. 25: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Solomon said Come Up Hither.

The practical application of this verse is simple – don’t put yourself in the big shot seat without a specific invitation from the host – he may not want you in a seat of honor if there is someone more important to put in there – and the person of importance may not be who you would expect at all – the widow with two mites was insignificant to everyone else in the crowd but Jesus – if you take the lower seat you might get invited to the higher (honor) rather than getting put back in the lower seat (dishonor) – the Pharisees chose the chief seats – but they ended up in dishonor.

The spiritual application of this verse is much deeper – this verse is about one of the three raptures in the Bible.  These raptures are:

The souls Old Testament saints who had been in Abraham’s bosom – Matt 27:52, Lk 16:19-22; Matt 12:40, Eph 4:8-10, Matt 28:9, Jn 20:17; Prov 25:7.

The bodies of the New Testament church age saints – 1 Thes 4:16-17; 1 Cor 15:50-55; Rev 5:8-10; Rev 4:1

The souls and bodies of the Tribulation saints right before Jesus returns to reign – Matt 24:29-31; Rev 7:9-17 (contrast Rev 5:8-10), Rev 14:1-3, Rev 11:12.

Conclusion: Three times we find the phrase Come up hither in the Bible:

  • Prov 25:7 – a reference to the Old Testament saints who had been in Abraham’s bosom.
  • Rev 4:1 – a reference to the New Testament church age saints.
  • Rev 11:12 – a reference to the Tribulation saints right before Jesus returns to reign.