Devices of Satan
Paul said in 2 Cor 2:11 that we are not ignorant of the devices of Satan. However, if I asked you to name some of his devices, you might confess that you are ignorant of his devices. Therefore, we’ll look at five things the devil might use against you:
Perversion – Acts 13:6-12 (see v.10). To pervert is to cause to turn aside or away. See v.8. Elymas was right there when Paul was preaching to turn away the deputy from the truth. Teachers of false religions will be right there when you are trying to lead someone to the Lord. And they are right there after you get saved to try to pull you away from the truth. The right response is to believe the doctrine of the Lord. See v.12. 2 Tim 4:3-4. Perversion is one of the most common of the devices of Satan.
Worldliness – Jas 4:4-8. Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. The devil is the god of this world and he will use worldliness to draw you away from God. It worked with Demas, 2 Tim 4:10. Today mega churches have brought worldliness in to try to reach the world. You can’t use the devil’s devices to do the Lord’s work. The right response is to resist the devil by drawing nigh to God, humbling yourself, and breaking off friendship with the world. This is one of the most subtle of the devices of Satan.
Resistance – Zech 3:1-2, Jude 9. The devil resisted Michael the archangel and Joshua the high priest in an attempt to keep them from doing God’s will. The devil will resist you when you’re doing God’s will. The right response is to say to the devil, “The Lord rebuke thee”. That’s it. Don’t rail on him or accuse him. Just say these words, and ask the Lord to rebuke him.
Disobedience – 2 Cor 2:1-11. The Corinthian church needed to forgive the young man who had sinned in 1 Cor 5. He had gotten right with God. Paul said that he wanted to “know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things”, 2 Cor 2:9. The devil tries to get you to disobey God. His tactics are to play on your emotions or your experiences. The right response is to obey God in everything he has written and told you to do. Never trust your feelings or your experiences. Rather obey God.
Affliction – 1 Pet 5:6-10. When you’re suffering you’re vulnerable to draw away from God. And when this is combined with pride, you are liable to be devoured by the devil. You get to the place where you say, “I can’t take it”. And then your heart turns against the Lord. The right response is to resist the devil stedfast in the faith. Keep trusting God in affliction. The Lord intends to use it to make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
We’ve seen people knocked out by every one of these devices of Satan. He is a master deceiver. However, if you will follow the right response in each of these cases we’ve seen in this sermon, you will protect yourself from the devil.