The Lord’s Supper and Baptism CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
What are the Lord’s Supper and Baptism and should I partake of them?
Answer: There are the two “ordinances” given to the New Testament church by the Lord Jesus Christ. Believer’s Baptism – Matt.28:19 and The Lord’s Supper – Luke 22:19 are the “ordinances” spoken of by Paul in 1 Cor. 11:1-2.
Should I partake of them? YES
What is the difference between an Old Testament law and a New Testament Ordinance?
Answer: In the Old Testament the Law was your righteousness –Deu. 6:25
In the New Testament your righteousness is in Jesus Christ – Romans 10:4 , II Cor. 5: 21
Therefore, obeying New Testament Ordinances does not affect your salvation, only your obedience and good conscience toward God, I Peter 3:21.
Believer’s Baptism
What is Believer’s Baptism?
- A believer’s identification with Jesus Christ, a public testimony that one has accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior – Col. 2:12. It’s a figure or picture of your Spiritual Baptism- I Cor.12:13, Eph. 4:5
- It symbolizes (alive-upright, die- immersed, and resurrected –raised out of the water) what happened when I was saved, and is a picture or likeness of the Spiritual baptism (Rom.6:3-5).
Why is Baptism Important?
- Because it is commanded by God. Matt.28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16
- Because Jesus obeyed and was baptized. Matt.3:13-16
- Because it was the normal practice of the churches of the New Testament. Acts 8:38, 9:18, 16:15&33, 18:8
- Because it is an outward testimony of an inward salvation. It testifies to the world that you are different now, and that you are aligning your life with what the Bible says, and not with what the world says.
Who should be baptized?
- Those who are saved. Acts 8:36-37 (excludes infants)
- Those who want to be obedient. Acts 2:41
How and when should a person be baptized?
- Immersion – Acts 8:38-39, Matt.3:16, John 3:23 “…because there was much water there:”
- As soon as possible after salvation – Acts 8:26-39, Acts 9:18, Acts 16:25-33
The Lord’s Supper
The Importance of the Lord’s Supper
- For remembrance of Jesus death – Luke 22:19, I Cor. 11:25-26
- For remembrance of Jesus suffering – I Cor. 11:24, Matt. 26:26
- For remembrance of Jesus cleansing blood
Pictured in the cup –I Cor.10:16 “…cup of blessing” 1Cor. 11:25 “…cup is the new testament in my blood:” Heb.9:16-20
Shed for us – Mark 14:24, Matt. 26:27-28
Provided eternal redemption –Heb. 9:12
The Elements of the Lord’s Supper
- Spiritual not literal or physical – John 6:48-63
- We are commanded not to eat blood
Before the law – Gen. 9:4
Under the law – Lev.17:10-14
After the law – Acts 15:20
- Romans 6:23 – the Gift of God is eternal life: not the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ.
- The two elements are unleavened bread and unleavened fruit of the vine.
- Unleavened because leaven is a type of sin in the Bible – I Cor.5:6-8, Exodus 12:18:20
- The bread pictures his body – John 6:35, 51
- The fruit if the vine pictures his blood – Deu. 32:14
Who can participate?
- In I Cor. 11:20-34, Paul’s instructions were to born again Christians.
- Open or Closed communion
As a Christian how should I approach the Lord’s Supper?
- With Fear and Trembling – I Cor. 11:17-22,33-34
- With Desire – Luke 22:15
- With a Clean Heart – I Cor. 11:28-32
The Results
- Remembrance of Jesus Christ Death and Suffering.
- Remembrance of the Cleansing of Jesus Christ Blood.
- Self-Examination and Self-Judgment and Repentance.