Doctrines of Salvation Study
Lesson #2 Words of Salvation (Part 2)
In this part of the lesson dealing with words of Salvation we are going to study the word Sanctification. The word is Sanctification. Sanctification shows us how we are set apart to God through salvation and should live as if we are set apart to God.
Let us begin by defining the word.
Sanctification – to set apart or to separate
When we are saved God sets us apart for his use. This means that God has a specific use in mind for each person that he saves. Not everyone will have the same position or task to do, but there is something that every saved person can do for God. As a result of this fact we must work hard to keep ourselves in the position so that we can be used of God. Sad to say most saved people only think about themselves and never even consider what God would have them do. Below is a good verse for our definition of sanctification.
Psalm 4:3 “But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.”
3 Tenses of Sanctification :
When we look at the word Sanctification in the word of God, we will see it used in 3 tenses. The past tense, present tense and future tense. We will briefly describe each of these tenses below.
1) Past (1 Corinthians 6:11 ; Hebrews 10:8-12)
- When a person is saved they are sanctified. That is they are saved and set apart from a lost and dying world. Their salvation is complete and there is nothing to be added to it.
2) Present (John 17:17 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:23)
- Even though our salvation is complete we are still living in this old flesh which is capable of all kind of sin. Therefore we have a sanctification that we must do daily and that is to keep ourselves clean and unspotted from the world and sin. We will discuss this one in more detail later in the lesson.
3) Future (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
- This sanctification speaks of when we will get our new glorified bodies at the rapture of the church. When we get our glorified bodies there will be no need for daily sanctifying ourselves because we will no longer sin anymore.
Now we will discuss the present tense of sanctification. This is the one that is very important for the saved person because it is something that affects their everyday life. After salvation because of our flesh and this old sinful world a saved person must be very careful to keep his or her testimony pure so that God can use them the way he wants to. This doesn’t mean that they will never sin, but it does mean that when we do sin we repent and ask God to forgive us and try to stay away from that sin. This is going to require a very active prayer life and a daily course of reading and studying God’s word.
There are two places in the word of God where a saved person is said to be a vessel
(1 Thessalonians 4:1-7 ; 2 Timothy 2:20-23). This is interesting because a vessel is used to carry something that is to be used upon arrival. As saved people we carry the Lord Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. But the only vessel we have for this is our flesh. Therefore, it is so important that we consider what we wear every day and not just to church. It is also important to consider the places that we allow our vessel to go and the words that come out of our vessel. The only Jesus that some people will see is the one they see in you if you are saved. That ought to be a very sobering thought for any saved person.
In the scriptures from above that deal with a saved person being a vessel we see that there is a vessel of honor and a vessel of dishonor. In the old days before indoor plumbing sometimes instead of going out in the middle of a cold winter night they would use vessels instead and then take them out in the morning. Now obviously these are not the same vessels that they would eat out of or serve food in. So, when it comes to being used of the Lord we should ask ourselves how can we become a vessel of honor instead of a vessel of dishonor. Below we will list some of the things found in 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7 and 2 Timothy 2:20-23.
Ways to be a vessel of Honor :
1) Our walk should please God (1 Thessalonians 4:1)
- This is talking about our everyday life. Everything we do should please God and if it does not please God then we should not be doing it.
- This will solve problems concerning dress. If God would not be pleased with it, then don’t wear it. This will solve problems with entertainment. If it is a book, movie, or game that God would not be pleased with then don’t watch read or do it.
- If something is questionable just ask yourself if God would be pleased with it, and if you are not sure chances are he would not be pleased with it.
2) Abstain from fornication (1 Thessalonians 4:2)
- Fornication is sex outside of marriage. Note that participating in it is out of the will of God. This sin is destroying young people and adults all over this country.
- The sin of fornication is a sin against the body (1 Corinthians 6:18). This will defile your vessel. Have you ever noticed how girls who commit fornication all the time are called “trash” or “trashy” by the world. Trash would go in a vessel of dishonor and not a vessel of honor.
3) Our walk should not be in the lust of concupiscence like a lost person (1 Thessalonians 4:5)
- This is the reason we are told not to love the world or the things of the world (1 John 2:15-17).
- Concupiscence is defined as lust, unlawful or irregular desire of sexual pleasure or coveting carnal or worldly things. This is all a lost person has is the desires of this world. But saved people have a better place to put our desires and affections, heaven (Colossians 3:1-4).
4) Do not defraud anyone (1 Thessalonians 4:6)
- We should keep all of our dealings, whether personal or business, fair and square, above board, and honest .(Romans 12:17)
- Note here that God is the avenger for the person who is wronged in these situations.
5) Flee youthful lust (2 Timothy 2:22)
- We you know that you have problem with a certain sin and you see the temptation coming, get out of there don’t stand around and try to fight it just run.
Now these things will not always be easy to do that is why we need the word of God in our lives every day. But as hard as it may be saved people must strive to be sanctified, a vessel of honor that is always prepared for the Lord to use.
Doctrines of Salvation Study
Lesson #2 Words of Salvation (Part 2)
1) What is a good definition for the word Sanctification? Give a verse that goes with this.
2) What are the 3 tenses of Sanctification? Give verse and explanation of each.
3) Which of the 3 tenses do we have to concern ourselves with regarding everyday life?
4) List two places in the word of God where saved people are said to be vessels of the Lord.
5) How are we to keep our vessel according to these passages?