Don’t Neglect Your Spiritual Gift (Part Eight) The Gift of “Ministry”

The Gift of “Ministry”

Romans 12:7


The Gift of “Ministry” is found in a list that Paul instructs us on in the book of Romans. To this point we have studied the list of gifts found in 1 Corinthians 12, which are “sign” gifts. In Romans 12 we see “service” gifts. The chapter starts off with “present your bodies a living sacrifice…” So the context is service or ministry.


What is “Ministry?”

  • To serve or attend to – [Matt. 20:25-28][Phil.2:5-11] The Lord humbled himself to be a servant. We can never serve if our pride controls us, we must humble ourselves for ministry.
  • To supply things needful – [2 Cor.9:10] Example: providing for missionaries


Do you have a ministry?

  • Serve the Lord Jesus Christ – [Col.3:23-24] we all have that ministry. [Acts 9:6] “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Ask the Lord. What would you answer to someone that asks you “do you serve the Lord?”
  • The ministry of reconciliation – [2Cor.5:18] [Acts20:24] Telling others – testify
  • The ministry of the saints – [1 Cor.16:15-16] (serve, attend to, supply others physically or through prayer)
  • The ministry of the word – [Acts 6:4] read, hear, and keep [Rev.1:3]
  • Full time ministry – [1 Tim.4:12] [Eph.4:11-12]


Paul says back in Romans 12:7, “let us wait on our ministering”.

  • To wait as in “waiting a table – waiter”
  • To attend to – [Num.3:10] Aaron and his sons shall wait on their priest office.
  • To be ready to serve – [Ps.25:3,5,21] Not waiting for the Lord but waiting on the Lord, serving him.
  • To perform a service – [1Cor.9:13] a specific job or task