Psalm 27: 1-4
Verse 1 Remember who He is! “Whom shall I fear?”
My Light Lk.1:79, 2:32. John 1:1-9
My salvation John 14:6, 1 Tim.2:5, Rom.8:34
My strength John 15:5 “without me ye can do nothing”
Verse 2 Remember what He has done! “they stumbled and fell”
Past history – bogey man hasn’t got you yet
Verse 3 Be Confident – Having full belief; trusting; relying; fully assured.
Phil 1:6
Ps. 118:8-9
Prov. 3:26
Verse 4 “one thing have I desired of the lord…”
Dwell “in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,”
Are you dwelling in God’s will?
Ps. 4:8 Safety
Ps. 65:4 Satisfied
Ps. 84:4 Blessing
Behold “the beauty of the Lord”
Are you looking at the size of the problem, or the size of your God?
Ps.90:17 (verse 16 thy work)
Inquire “in his temple”
Who are you asking for help?
Old Testament they had to go to the temple to ask
Now Heb.4:16 throne of Grace