Friend of God James 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
Abraham was called the friend of God. What was it about Abraham that warranted that title? If we can find out, it may help us to be a friend of God [Jn 15:13-20]. Abraham was called the friend of God because of:
His faith – Jas 2:23 – Abraham believed God. Due to his belief, he received imputed righteousness. Jn 15:13; Rom 4:3-8. When you believe God, and put your faith in what Jesus did for you, you are saved and become the friend of God. You become a friend of God when you are a faithful saint.
His obedience – Is 41:8-9; Jn 15:14-16. In Gen 12:1-4 Abraham departed when the Lord told him to depart. God chose him, like the Lord has chosen us. He understood the great privilege to be chosen of God and the separation. We need to understand the great privilege to be chosen to serve the Lord. We must obey him, like Abraham did [he even offered Isaac, which in Jas 2 was his justification]. You become a friend of God when you are an obedient servant.
His courage – 2 Chr 20:1-7; Gen 14:13-16. In Gen 13, God gave him the land. In Gen 14, Lot taken. In Gen 14, Abe attacked. Gen 14:20 they knew God delivered thine enemies. We often talk about Joshua and the 31, Gideon and the 300, Jehoshaphat and the ambush, and David’s great victories. But look at Abraham’s victory in reliance upon God. He fought with 318 trained servants against 4 kings who just defeated 5 kings. Abraham had absolute trust in God in the fight. We are in a fight in which we need to trust God and fight. That’s why we have the whole armor of God. Paul fought a good fight. He told Timothy to “fight the good fight of faith,” [1 Tim 6:12]. You become a friend of God when you become a courageous soldier. Not many Christians today are involved in a fight. They are playing footsies with the enemy. Our Lord is worth fighting for. Our Bible is worth fighting for. Our church is worth fighting for. Our gospel is worth fighting for.
Conclusion: Do you want to be the friend of God? Become a faithful saint. Become an obedient servant. Become a courageous soldier.