Frustrating the Grace of God Gal. 2:11-21 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

Frustrating the Grace of God Gal. 2:11-21

Galatians 2:11-21 Frustrating the Grace of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO


One thing Paul protected with his life was the liberty that we have in our salvation as a result of grace.  He wasn’t going to let anyone, not even Peter, put any strings on the Christians to make them think that they are in any way justified by keeping any part of the law.  If it meant the public reprimand of Peter, he was up to the job.  In this passage, we see a clear distinction between the law and GRACE.



  1. Fear of man (v. 12)
    1. Prov 29:25
  2. Hypocrisy (v. 13)
    1. Matt 23
    2. Rom 3:19
  3. Division in the Body of Christ (v. 14)
    1. Gal 3:27-28
    2. Eph 2:13-15
    3. I Cor 10:32
    4. As if Jews were better
  4. Guaranteed Transgression (v. 18)
    1. I Jn 3:4
    2. Jas 2:10
  5. Death Judicially (v. 19)
    1. Rom 3:20
    2. Rom 7:8-9, killed men
    3. Rom 6:1-9
    4. Rom 7:1-4
    5. Col2:10-11
  6. Frustration in Grace (v. 21)
    1. Rom 10:1-4


  1. Justification by faith (v. 16)
    1. Judicial transaction declared not guilty
    2. Rom 5:1
    3. Rom3:28, 30;3:24; 4:5; 5:9
    4. Therefore free, Col 2:13
  2. Spiritual life (v. 20)
    1. Jn 3:5
    2. Jn 10:10
    3. Jn 4:14
    4. I Jn 5:12