What Makes the Bible Special? Fulfilled prophecy is what makes the Bible special. The Bible is the only only book that comes from outside of our dying solar system. When you open it up you are getting something from outside of our closed solar system. Prophecy is supernatural. A preacher said, “Prophecy is history written in advance”.
Fulfilled Prophecy
Look at these fulfilled prophecies.
Josiah’s Destruction of Jeroboam’s Altar
1 Ki 13:1-2. This prophecy concerns the altar Jeroboam built in Bethel. The king who will destroy it is Josiah, a descendant of David. He will burn the bones of the priests on the altar. This prophecy was given in 975BC, 351 years before Josiah destroyed the altar in 2 Ki 23:15-16.
Jesus Riding an Ass
Zech 9:9 Jesus fulfilled this prophecy before his crucifixion. Skeptics will say that Jesus self-fulfilled this prophecy, knowing that riding into Jerusalem on an ass had been prophesied of the Messiah.
Jesus’s Saying on the Cross
Ps 22:1 Jesus fulfilled this prophecy on the cross. Skeptics will say that Jesus self-fulfilled this prophecy, knowing that saying, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me” had been written before. I don’t believe that, but that’s what critics will say.
The Messiah Born in Bethlehem
Mic 5:2 is a prophecy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Jesus surely couldn’t self-fulfill this as a baby in Mary’s womb. He certainly could as God though. Notice the word “everlasting” at the end of the verse. Cross reference this with Hab 1:12 and you will see that the Messiah is God. Modern versions obscure this truth by changing the word “everlasting” in Mic 5:2 to “ancient times”.
The Fulfilled Prophecy of the Wounds in Jesus’s Hands
Zech 13:6 Jesus had wounds in his hands. This is a prophetic reference to his crucifixion, which was not the Jewish method of capital punishment. This prophecy was around 500 years before Jesus was crucified. There’s no way he could have self-fulfilled this.
The Fulfilled Prophecy of Jesus’s Resurrection
Jn 2:18-21 Jesus prophesied his own death and resurrection. There is no way he could have worked that one out. No other religious leader has ever come out of his grave. Jesus is the only one.
Jesus is the author and giver of eternal life and the only way to heaven. You must trust him to save you if you are ever going to be saved.