Genesis 4:21-22 Cain’s Children II

Genesis 4:21-22 Cain’s Children II CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In addition to promoting city life, polygamy and idolatry through the worship of calves, Cain’s line is also connected with the corruption of music and the design of brass and iron inventions to draw men’s hearts away from God (Ps. 106:39).


Through the Bible, you find two lines of music. You find music and musical instruments that are used to worship God. You also find music that excites the flesh and draws the heart toward idols and away from God. As with everything else connected with Cain’s line, this is obviously the beginning of the corruption of music. Remember that Cain was religious, but God didn’t accept his sacrifice or his form of worship.

God created Satan as the anointed cherub, and the musical instruments were prepared in him the day he was created (Eze. 28:13-14). He undoubtedly would have been with the sons of God when they praised God during the original creation (Job 38:4-7). But when Satan fell, he began to use music as a means to draw men away from God and toward idols. In Ex. 32:18-19,25, the Jews were singing and dancing naked while they were worshiping the golden calf. In Dan. 3:5, music was used to signal the time that all men were to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s image. In Job 21:11-15, the wicked are drawn completely away from God with music and dancing.

Music was originally intended for the praise and worship of God. In Ex. 15:20, Miriam and the women danced together and praised the Lord with music. In Eph. 5:19 and Col. 3:16, Christians are exhorted to worship God with hymns, psalms and spiritual songs (that is, songs that minister to the spirit and not to the flesh). In Rev. 5:8-9, the beasts and elders worship God with harps and songs. Of course, the book of Psalms is loaded with music to praise God and musical instruments accompany the songs (Ps 150, for instance). Today’s modern “Christian” music is nowhere close to an example of “spiritual songs.” Rather, it resembles music out of the bottomless pit.


Brass was used in the tabernacle primarily in connection with the sacrifices. The brazen laver (Ex. 30:17-21) was for the priests to wash in before entering the tabernacle or before offering sacrifices. The brazen altar was for offering the sacrifices (Ex. 27:1-8). These are negative references because of sin. Other negative references to brass are found in Lev. 26:19, where the earth will become brass for Israel’s pride; Deut. 28:23, where the heaven becomes as brass when God curses Israel; 1 Sam. 17:5-6, where Goliath’s brass armor is described; Job 40:18 where behemoth’s bones are as strong as brass; Is. 48:4, where Israel’s obstinacy is compared to a brass forehead; 1 Cor. 13:1, where a tongue talking Christian without charity is compared to sounding brass; etc. Evidently, in Cain’s line, the brass art was used to glorify man’s artistic ability.


Likewise, iron has many negative connections in the Bible. In the design of Noah’s ark and the tabernacle, iron was left out. In 1 Ki. 6:7, no iron tool was to be heard in the construction of Solomon’s temple. In Num 35:16, iron is cited as a murder weapon. In Deut. 3:11, Og’s bed was made of iron. In Deut. 4:20, Egypt, where the Jews had been held in slavery, was called “the iron furnace.” In Deut. 27:5, the stone altar was not to be defiled by iron tools. In Deut. 28:48, God would put the Jews under a yoke of iron for disobedience. In Jud. 4:2-3, Sisera, a type of the Antichrist, had 900 iron chariots. In 1 Sam 17:7, Goliath’s spearhead was made of iron. In Dan. 2:40-41, the Antichrist’s kingdom was represented by iron. In Rev. 9:9, the mutated locusts of the bottomless pit had breastplates of iron.


Since the beginning of man’s technological and industrial advancements, progress has simply drawn men further from God and more toward the worship of man. Therefore, when the “man of sin” (2 Thes. 2:3-4) shows up, with a talking image (Rev. 13:15) which can be seen and heard all around the world, men will have turned completely from God to worship the devil, himself (Rev. 9:20). A better word for progress is “degeneration.”