It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Ex 5:9 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Ex 5:9

It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better Ex 5:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

When Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh about letting Israel go, the Jews were undoubtedly excited about the prospect of getting out from under their bondage.

They were happy God heard their cry, Ex 2:23-25.  They worshipped God when they knew that he had visited them, Ex 4:29-31.

But Pharaoh didn’t let them go.  Instead, he increased their work load, Ex 5:4-9.  He had their officers beaten, Ex 5:14-16.  Strife developed between the officers and Moses and Aaron, Ex 5:19-21.  And Moses complained to God, Ex 5:22-23.

You see, it often gets worse before it gets better.

The plagues followed the promise of their departure.  They saw the blood Ex 7:19, the frogs Ex 8:5, and the lice Ex 8:16.  These affected Israel the same way they did Egypt.  Not until the plague of flies did God severe the land of Goshen where Israel dwelled, Ex 8:22.  The Jews didn’t suffer any more plagues after this.

It gets worse before it gets better.  After more severe plagues in which Israel was spared, they finally made it out to the wilderness.  There they were attacked by Pharaoh, Ex 14.  But then they saw the parting of the Red Sea.  And as soon as they had finished singing God’s praise in Ex 15, they encountered the bitter waters of Marah, Ex 15:23.

That’s how life goes.  When God saved you, he promised you eternal life and heaven.  But the things that can happen to you on your journey to heaven can be worse after you are saved than before you were saved.  Do you know why?  You have enemies now.  The world, the devil, and even your flesh are your enemies.

What not to do.

  • Don’t murmur and complain against God, 1 Cor 10:10.
  • Don’t gripe against the man of God, Ex 15:24; 16:8.
  • Don’t go back to the world, Ex 16:3; Ex 32.

What to do.

  • Trust the Lord and his promises, Prov 3:5-6.  He said that he would give you life more abundantly, Jn 10:10.  He gave Israel water out of a rock and manna from heaven.  He loads you up with spiritual provisions like grace, peace, love, rest, comfort, and so forth.
  • Learn contentment, Phil 4:11-13; 2 Cor 11:23-28.  Joshua and Caleb were content in the wilderness till they made it to Canaan.
  • Grow stronger, 1 Pet 5:10.  Adversity makes you stronger.
  • Console others when they go through struggles in their lives, 2 Cor 1:3-5.
  • And realize with all your heart that Rom 8:28 is true.

Conclusion: Israel made it to the promised land and Moses will, too [Rev 11].  And you will make it to heaven just fine.  Don’t let the journey get your down.