Getting Counsel (Part 1)

 Getting Counsel (Part 1)

1 Kings 12:1-15

In this passage Rehoboam is faced with a challenge regarding Jeroboam and some of the children of Israel. When Rehoboam is made king Jeroboam comes to him on and asked to have the heavy yoke that was placed by Solomon lightened. Rehoboam does seek for counsel but in the end follows the wrong counsel which results in the kingdom being divided as God had told Solomon that he would do.

What can we learn from this regarding counsel?

1)  It is always wise to get counsel (Proverbs 1:5)

  • Rehoboam ask for three days to get counsel on the matter. Imagine if we would take that long in making important decision and even unimportant decisions.

2)  There is great benefit in getting counsel.

  • Proverbs 11:14 (There is safety in counsel)
  • Proverbs 15:22 (Counsel helps us fulfill our purposes)
  • Proverbs 20:18 (Counsel also establishes our purposes)

3)  There is a right and a wrong counsel.

  • Note that first Rehoboam went to the old men that had been with Solomon. Then he went to the young men that were raised with him. The young men told him what he wanted to hear.
  • When getting counsel our first instinct seems to be go to our peers, but in reality it should be the older people of the church that we seek out the most (Titus 2:1-8)

Discerning between good counsel and bad counsel will take some time spent in the word of God. In the end God’s word should be our final authority, but we must have our senses exercised by using it for it to aid us in this manner (Hebrews 5:12-14)