
Finances Part One Now that we are beginning a new year, Thought was given to what goal should you have to help you out this year. Number One would have to be Consistent attention and improvement to your fellowship with God.  Your finances would work just fine as number two....

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Biblical Seven Stages of Man

Biblical Seven Stages of Man Luke 2:12 Thank God that there is still one time of year where the world is urged to look at the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in the manger. If your Christmas has anything to do with the savior, then you know the true...

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Easily Beset

Easily Beset Heb.12:1 This verse speaks of “the sin which doth so easily beset us”, and how it can weigh us down. To beset something is to surround, enclose, entangle, or press on all sides. Last week after boarding a tanker in our port, the seaman escorted us to their...

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Study Your Bible

Study Your Bible 2 Tim. 2:15   Study your Bible, easy for me to say. This time of year, I usually try to encourage folks to start off the new year with the commitment to just read their Bible. Today I find myself with the task of encouraging you to...

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Behaving Yourself

Behaving Yourself 1 Sam 18   David’s early experiences were marked by wise behavior. This chapter starts off just moments after he is called before the king, and explains to Saul just who he is, while holding the dripping head of Goliath in his hand. Before he defeated the Philistine,...

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Basic Obedience

Basic Obedience Jer. 35 Obedience is probably the most important Issue in a Christian’s life. If we could just be obedient how would our lives be so much better. In your Bible from the very beginning God has tried time and time again to get men to be obedient. He...

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Hasty Conclusions

Hasty Conclusions Prov.25:8-10   Your Bible has many things to say about drawing hasty conclusions. In this passage, Solomon warns us of some things not to do and some consequences of drawing a hasty conclusion. Before you draw a conclusion:   Get as close as possible to the source and...

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On Time

On Time Ex. 9:5   Do you believe that God is ever late for anything? I believe that he is always on time. I also believe that being late is not something God appreciates. [Ecc.3:1-8] clearly states that there is a time to every purpose under heaven. I really believe...

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Identity – Who Are You?

Identity – Who Are You? Gal. 3:26-29   As far as your identity, this passage tells the truth of the matter. You are a child of God. But who are you really? Your identity is what you spend most of your time and effort on. Do you spend that time...

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Doing a Great Work

Doing a Great Work Neh.6:1-4 Are you doing a great work? Nehemiah was, and his enemies were trying to distract him. He was not going to stop, because he knew the importance of the work. the Lord did some mighty works while he was on this earth, but [John 14:12]...

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