
Stumblingblocks 1 Cor.10:12   Stumblingblocks will cause you to fall. Falls account for 15% of all occupational fatalities, second only to vehicle accidents. Tripping hazards (Stumblingblocks) cause many injuries and deaths. Spiritual Stumblingblocks have the same effect on Christians. Identifying and avoiding them should be a part of your daily...

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The Law of Sin

The Law of Sin Rom.7:23-25   Paul is speaking of a law that brings him into captivity, this law works through his members (flesh). This is the Law of Sin. In the previous verses he explains that he can’t do the things he would and does do the things he...

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Give Attendance To

Give Attendance To 1 Tim.4:13   Paul tells Timothy to “give attendance to” three things. When you give attendance to something it means that careful application of mind, regard, or attention is required. Have you ever entered a contest where you must “be present to win”? Your attendance is required,...

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Conscience Acts 23:1 What is a conscience? It is that internal voice which instantly (without giving any reasons) approves or condemns our own actions and affections, before, during, and after the action. No doctor can find your conscience, but everyone has one. [1 Cor.4:2] It is not the voice of...

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A Lesson on Reproof

Reproofs of Instruction Prov.6:23   The reproofs of instruction are the way of life. As much as you would like to never be reproved, or called out for your error, it is a part of life. So, what should be our reaction to reproof? The Bible has many things to...

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Prudent in matters

Prudent in matters 1 Sam.16:18   Being prudent is simply thinking before you do. Wise forethought in determining any line of conduct is a definition you will find in the dictionary. Let’s look at the Bible and see what it says about it.   [Prov.18:15] A prudent man gets knowledge...

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A Dozen Good Habits

A Dozen Good Habits   Good habits are necessary. These twelve rules for a way of life were written long ago in a family Bible, and are still useful in this present world. These dozen habits will bless you and please God.   Begin each day with prayer [Ps.5:3] Start...

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