The Blessing of Giving

The Blessing of Giving Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give than to receive. This is a great truth of your Bible. Just like many truths in your Bible you must, by faith, step out and do it. Some folks are naturally better at giving than others. Some folks...

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Knowledge of Him

Knowledge of Him Eph. 1:17 Do you know God? No, do you really know God? Do you have a knowledge of him? Is he your Lord and God, like Thomas [Jn.20:26-28]? Or is he just the God of your fathers, [Matt.22:32]? I fear that many of you only know the...

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What a Blessing

What a Blessing Acts. 12:5   Prayer is a blessing. Too often we totally disregard who we are speaking to. We also throw “in Jesus name” in front of Amen as a good Christian sounding sign off. This lesson is a reminder of what a blessing and privilege it is...

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Be Ye Filled with The Spirit

Being Filled with The Spirit, not Hindering Him Eph. 5:18   To live the Christian life, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and not to be hindering His work . The Spirit regenerates us [Tit.3:5], and seals us unto the day of redemption [Eph.1:13-14].   The Holy Spirit: Comforts us...

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Good to whom it is due

Good to whom it is due Prov.3:27   “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due…”, the Lord expects it of us. Solomon make is very clear in the book of Proverbs. Paul makes it clear in [Gal.6:10], “unto all men, especially unto them who are of the...

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Bitterness Prov. 14:10 You know if there is bitterness in your heart. We often believe that bitterness is something that has grown for a time inside us, and is only a problem when we are troubled. Heb. 12:15. This verse is probably the most often used verse to address bitterness....

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