Life More Abundantly

Life More Abundantly John 10:10 What does living life more abundantly mean? When you go to an all you can eat buffet, you can eat abundantly, or as much as you can hold. We tend to look at the abundant life as some sort of physical prosperity. Many false Bible...

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Your Daily Walk

Your Daily Walk Amos 3:3   Your daily walk is a two-part mix, just like epoxy. Most epoxy that is used to bind things together is made of two parts in equal measures. Without both parts, the items are not going to bind together. Our daily walk with God should...

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After This the Judgment

After This the Judgment        Heb.9:27 Even most lost folks know that one day there will be a judgment. The Bible is very clear on this fact. There are several judgments spoken of in the Bible, but for this lesson we will just look at two. The White throne judgment...

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Time and Chance

Time and Chance Ecc.9:11-12 Time and chance does happen to all of us. We are so quick to blame the devil or the wrath of God for any sudden or unexpected circumstance in our life. In truth, many things just happen. The problem is that these things “falleth suddenly” on...

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Great Wisdom

Great Wisdom Ecc.9:13-18 In this passage, Solomon tells a story of a little city. He says that there is an example of Great Wisdom in this story. Even though the little city is besieged by a great king, one poor wise man delivers the city. I believe there is a...

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Just Keep Walking

Just Keep Walking PS.1:1-3 Just keep walking. In this passage is a progression, walking, then standing, and finally sitting. It warns us of three wrong things that we should not do. But it does state that the blessed man will do pretty well if he does not do these things....

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Tree of Life

Tree of Life Gen. 2:9 The phrase, the tree of life, shows up in the beginning and the end of your Bible. The phrase a tree of life shows up in the middle and has a different meaning. One has to do with eternal life, and the other has to...

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Do you have a Destination?

Do you have a Destination? Acts 18:19-21 Paul had a destination, Jerusalem. Do you have a destination? Do you know where you would like to be a day, or month or year, or ten years from now? You will never get there if you don’t know where there is. Paul...

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Wait on God

Wait on God Ps. 25:3 Most Christians will try anything before they decide to wait on God. To wait on God is often the last choice. In this lesson we will look at a few circumstances when you should always wait on God.   When you don’t know what to...

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