Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love Eph. 4:11-15                 As the saying goes “the truth hurts”. So speaking the truth in love is very important. We often times are given the opportunity to do it, yet we either don’t speak or don’t do it in love. The following is a testimony...

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Identify Your Enemies

Identify Your Enemies Prov.27:6 Last lesson we studied “friends”. This lesson we are studying about “enemies”. According to this verse we can be deceived, and it may be harder that you think to identify your enemies. An enemy is something who hates or opposes another and tries to harm them...

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Friends Prov.18:24   To have a friend you must be a friend. Some of us have many friends and some have few. Friendships are born, nurtured and must be maintained. Solomon said that to have friends we must be friendly. How do you be a good friend? Are you a...

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Being a Pattern

Being a Pattern Titus 2:7   “In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works” a pattern is something that is used as an example, especially to copy, [Ex.25:9, 40] [1 Chr.28:19]. Are you an example that anyone would want to copy? Whether you want to be or not,...

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Flattery Ps.12:1-4   Flattery is the act of praising someone. The sincerely of this act is what determines its worth. This verse states that when done in this way it is vanity, or worthless. Often we flatter someone because you want something from them, the Bible has a lot to...

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What is Love in the Bible

What is Love in the Bible      “Love makes the world go round”, not really. Yet most of us fashion our life around the things we love. Do you know what the Bible says about love? If you wish to truly love someone, Love in the Bible is a perfect...

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Stand For

Stand For 2 Thes 2:15 There is a saying that goes like this, “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything”. What do you stand for? Paul told us to stand fast. This implies that there are things we should believe in and not be moved or...

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Choices Josh.24:15                 God has given each one of us a free will. You make all of your own choices. Each choice may be affected by different circumstances, but you make all of your own choices. If you are a born again, child of God, you have made the choice...

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These things are Not Wise

These things are Not Wise   Prov.13:20 is one of the ways the Bible teaches us to be wise. There are many more passages that tell us how to be wise. Sometimes it is easier to get straight to the point. So these things are not wise. Maybe we should...

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