Prayers Possibilities

Prayers Possibilities Luke 18:1 If I can encourage you to pray more, and understand prayers possibilities I truly believe your life would change. I have often encouraged you to read your Bible more and that will not change, but to grow your prayer life is so very important also. Let’s...

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Good Tidings of Great Joy

  Good Tidings of Great Joy Luke 2:10                 “Joy to the world!  the Lord is come…” is a familiar hymn that is sung around Christmas time. The Bible speaks of good tidings of great joy. Is Christmas time a great joy to you? The world has sure turned it...

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Your Measure of Faith

Your Measure of Faith Romans 12:3 God hath dealt to every man the measure of Faith. God has given you enough faith to live the Christian life in a way that it is pleasing to Him and profitable to you, but it is only a “starter kit”. In Luke [17:5-6]...

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Forgiving Others and Yourself

Forgiving Others and Yourself 1 Jn.1:9 God is faithful to forgive our sins. We should be faithful in forgiving others and ourselves.   Forgiving Others Fulfills God’s Commandment [1 Jn.1:9] God is faithful to forgive [Matt.18:21-22] 70 x 7 times! [Luke 17:4] 7 times a day! [Matt.6:12] If God forgives...

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Conditions of Forgiveness

Conditions of Forgiveness Eph.4:30 In the Bible there are conditions of forgiveness. God mentions repentance and confession in the process of forgiveness. To forgive is simply to pardon, or overlook an offense by another and treat the offender as not guilty.   Repentance                 (turning from sin unto God, 1...

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Living Without Offense

Living Without Offense Phil. 1:9-10 Do you know anyone living without offense in this world today? It seems that everyone is a victim, and everything that affects you is someone else’s fault. You can hire a personal injury attorney for virtually any cause, and win! Paul was praying for the...

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People Pleaser

People Pleaser Gal.1:10                 Are you a people pleaser? Will you sacrifice anything to assure that people like you, or that you never offend anyone? After interacting with a person, do you question every word you said and beat yourself up over it? Do you apologize even when you are...

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The Truth About Youth

The Truth About Youth Ps.71:18                 The time of your youth is very important to the success of your Christian walk. When you grow old you don’t want to look back and regret the things that you could have done for the Lord.     Foundational Time         It is the...

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Comfort of the Scriptures

Comfort of the Scriptures Rom.15:4                 The comfort of the scriptures gives us hope. What is your go to verse? Do you have a verse or two that you can go to get some comfort or hope? If you are consistent in feeding on the words of God, then the...

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